Special Practice at Souldern 15th October 2019

Twelve ringers attended last night’s special practice at Souldern, which has a ring of six traditional sounding bells that “go” very well after recent improvements. We gave a special welcome back to Anthony our previous Ringing Master, and Sam, as well as to Charles and Rachel from ONB branch. In charge were Richard and Jeremy, also in attendance were Teresa and Kathryn.

After ringing up we rang a touch of Grandsire Doubles called by Anthony, a touch of Bob Minor, then a touch of Stedman Doubles for Teresa and Anne, called by Charles, followed by a plain course of Kent Minor for Jeremy and Kathryn.

For Sam we rang three Plain courses of Bob Doubles then some more Bob Minor for Anne. Wishing to extend the repertoire and make use of our experienced ringers we rang a touch of Reverse Canterbury Bob Minor, a Plain course of Cambridge Minor, followed by touches of Bastow Little Bob Minor.

After another touch of Bob Minor we had a good lower in peal. A very enjoyable practice, a chance to meet up with old friends and an opportunity to make a good sound in a tower where, unfortunately there is no local team.


The team at Souldern 15/10/2020

Hope to see lots of you at Branch Practice at Bletchingdon on 6th November.

Branch Practice 1st October 2019 at Islip.

St Nicholas, Islip

A very encouraging nineteen from seven towers and three branches attended last night’s practice at Islip, including a big welcome to Malcolm and Claire, who rang in the Branch a while ago.
Proceedings were led by our joint Ringing Masters Richard and Jeremy. Teresa and Kathryn we’re also in attendance.

We kicked off with rounds for some of our recent recruits from Ludgershall.
Next we rang a number of courses of Plain Hunt on 5 with Sue C, Mandy, Gerald and Andrew.

For James we rang a few courses of Grandsire Doubles, then for Sue a couple of plain courses of Plain Bob Doubles.

As we had the numbers, we rang a touch of Plain Bob Triples, called by Richard, also a plain course of Kent Minor with Kathryn inside.

Back to Plain Hunt, this time on 7 for Sue, Gerald and Gill, then Plain Hunt on 5 for Andrew ad Mandy.

Finally, a touch of Grandsire Triples, Sally trebling and Kathryn inside to finish off before ringing down in peal.
A very full practice with something for everyone. Hope to see lots of you at this month’s special practice at Souldern on 15th October.

Branch Striking Competition 7th September 2019

This year an impressive seven teams (considering the size of the branch) and over 40 branch members, partners and friends attended the branch striking competition on Saturday 7th, again kindly hosted by Islip and enjoyed the barbecue afterwards at Kathryn’s house. This was a strong contrast with last year’s reduced competition where only two “tower” teams and a small number of “harlequin” teams took part.

First up was a Bicester team, supplemented by Ludgershall, ringing a number of plain courses of Grandsire doubles, scoring 57 faults.

Next was Islip, the local team, again choosing plain courses of Grandsire Doubles and scoring 165 faults.

Third was a scratch team from Kirtlington and Bletchingdon, ringing a set of call changes, scoring 192 faults, improving through the call changes section after a tricky set of rounds.

Fourth up was Weston on the Green, including three ringers who only started ringing for the first time in September 2018, assisted by Jeremy, Kathryn and Steve. Again, a set of call changes was rung and a very creditable 68 faults scored. Well done to Weston!

Fifth was the experienced Ludgershall team, ringing a touch of Plain Bob Doubles, scoring an impressive 38 faults and winning the competition.

Sixth was a harlequin ladies’ team, ringing Grandsire Doubles and scoring 70 faults, while the final team was a harlequin young ringers’ team, comprising Islip’s youngest recruits and Charlie from Kirtlington. This team only rang part of the allotted 5 minutes and achieved a score of 120 faults, after rounding up to the equivalent time.

A big thank you to our judges, Katie Lane, Guild Master, and David Cornwall, who undertook the scoring. Also thank you to former branch member Louise Brown, who acted as time-keeper in the tower. [Photo of Ludgershall]

Team scores in ascending order

Team Score Notes
E  Ludgershall 38
A  Bicester 57
D  Weston on the Green 68
F  Ladies’ team 70
G  Young ringers 120 Faults adjusted to full length of test piece
B  Islip 165
C  Kirtlington/ Bletchingdon 192

Branch Practice Caversfield 2nd August 2019

Twelve ringers turned up at Caversfield to find no light in the tower, apparently the electrics have been condemned! Before we rang up it became clear that there was something very wrong with the 2nd, Jeremy investigated to find that a bolt had fallen out of the stay preventing the bell from swinging.

At this point we decided to decamp to Stratton Audley (there was some speculation that Jeremy had deliberately removed the bolt in order to get a few more ringers than normal at a Stratton Audley practice! )

Everyone had a good ring, the general consensus being that the bells weren’t as bad as some of us remembered probably due to the new ringing floor. Methods rung were Plain Hunt, Plain Bob, Grandsire, Stedman, Reverse Canterbury, St Simon’s and St Martin’s.  It was a warm evening and the bells were quite hard work but it was generally agreed that it was an enjoyable if eventful practice.

Richard Haseldine

Special practice 18th July 2019 at Kirtlington

St Mary's, Kirtlington

A special set of seven ringers attended tonight’s Special practice at Kirtlington, somewhat fewer than the multitude that descended on Launton at the beginning of July. Perhaps partly due to the fact that this practice had been re-scheduled from its original date of Monday 15th July. We were very grateful for the strong Ludgershall presence of three ringers, including Richard, our joint ringing master.

After ringing up and eschewing Stedman, we aborted an attempt at St Simon’s Bob Doubles, then went for our first touch of Grandsire Doubles, with Judith ringing 5 observation, then the first plain course of Kent Minor, Fay on Treble, Jan, Andy and Kathryn inside.

Next up we rang Plain Bob Minor, Judith having her first go at treble, assisted by Kathryn.

After 120 touch of Grandsire Doubles, Judith on 5, we rang some more Kent Minor, then a much better struck touch of Plain Bob Minor and even some plain courses of Little Bob Minor, Judith trebling, before we rang down in peal.

A very nice practice, with  quality  rope time for most.

Next Branch practice is on Friday 2nd August at Caversfield. See you then.

Special Practice 19th June 2019 at Bletchingdon

Eleven ringers from seven towers came to last night’s special practice at Bletchingdon, with Plain Hunt and Grandsire Doubles on the agenda.
We kicked off with Plain Hunt on 5 for Mandy, Gus and Andy, helped by Jeremy, Judith, Sue, Rosemarie, Anne and Fay.
Next we tried Churchyard Bob with Sally on Treble, giving a gentle introduction to hunting over all the heavier bells in turn.

Turning to Grandsire, we rang a 120 Change touch with Judith, Fay and Anne inside and also some plain courses with Sue on 3 and Rosemarie on 5.

We had Sally in again ringing treble to Plain Hunt on 5, Judith helping, which was her best effort to-date, making great progress. I think Sally was quite pleased afterwards. Well done, Sally!

During a break in Ringing we presented Mandy and Rosemarie with their ART LtR Level 1 and 3 certificates, respectively, and Rosemarie received a card and mounted photos of favourite towers and ringing moments, as she will be sadly leaving us for Germany shortly.

Back to Grandsire, another first was achieved, this time Andy trebling with increasing confidence to some plain courses. Well done to Andy.

Gus was inside again, consolidating no. 3 to Plain Hunt.

Finally, we rang a different 120 Change touch of Grandsire, showing Rosemarie work at bobs and singles, before ringing down.

A really good practice. Well done to all and thank you to Jeremy, Fay and Anne for leading and helping us.

Rosemary receiving her ART certificate

Branch Practice 3rd June 2019 at Kirtlington

St Mary's, Kirtlington

Ten ringers came to last night’s Branch Practice at Kirtlington, led by Richard, joint ringing master.
Before we started the main practice, Mandy from Weston came for some ringing up and down practice, helped by Andy.

In the main session, we rang call changes on 8 bells, followed by plain courses of Grandsire Doubles, Sue , Judith and Anne inside, helped by Jan, Kathryn and Katie Lane, Guild Master, making a very welcome appearance.

Next up another touch of Grandsire Doubles, with Judith affected inside and Charlie on covering tenor.

We then gave Charlie a go ringing 3 inside to plain courses of Bob Doubles, doing very well.
For Sue we rang a touch of Grandsire Doubles, observation, Judith trebling, followed by Plain Hunt on 7 then Bob Minor with Charlie trebling and Bastow Little Court Minor, where we brought Sally into the team.

Finally we rang some nice rounds on 8 before ringing down sort of in peal.

A very nice practice. Thank you all. Two upcoming events to note are ringing before and after the Lamb Ale service at Kirtlington from 10 am on 16th June – all welcome – and also Special Practice at Bletchingdon on 19th June. Hope to see lots of you there.

Special Practice 21st May 2019 at Bicester

Eleven ringers from six towers and two branches attended tonight’s special practice, led by Richard and Jeremy, including a warm welcome to Chris Moxon from South Leigh. Islip was well represented with Teresa, Kathryn and Sally, as well as a good turnout of Bicester ringers, led by Steve W.

On the agenda were Little Bob Minor and Grandsire Triples, both of which we achieved, ringing plain courses as well as touches called by Richard.  Ian and Teresa had turns inside to touches of Little Bob and Grandsire, respectively, while Sally and Fay rang treble and two.

Encouraged by our success, we attempted Plain Bob Triples, Plain Bob Major (a first inside for Teresa) and even a nicely struck plain course of Kent Minor at Kathryn’s request – dare I imagine that the Branch could attempt a Quarter of Kent in the near future, I wonder?

After a final Plain course of Grandsire Triples we rang the back eight down (ish) in peal. Objectives satisfied, I think.

Six branch members will gather at Charlton on 29th May to attempt a Quarter Peal in memory of Steve Cameron, then the next Branch Practice is at Kirtlington on 3rd June. Hope to see lots of you there!

Branch Practice 8th May 2019 at Middleton Stoney

All Saints, Middleton Stoney

Thirteen ringers from seven towers and two branches attended last night’s Branch Practice at Middleton Stoney, including our joint ringing masters Jeremy and Richard and a welcome guest appearance from Charles and Joyce from Milton, Abingdon.

Local tower ringers Jen, Jane, Hilary, Rosemarie and Eric were also well represented and got several courses of Plain Hunt, Grandsire and Plain Bob Doubles supported by the other ringers.  Jean also managed a couple of touches of Grandsire Doubles with Jeremy helping. Anne rang in a plain course of Stedman, a touch of Bob Minor and trebled to a plain course of St Clements Minor.

The weather was actually better than earlier forecast, so an opportunity was taken to take a few scenic shots – see below.

The next practice is a Special Practice at Bicester with Little Bob Minor and Grandsire Triples on the menu. Hope to see you there!

Branch Outing Saturday 27th April 2019

Saturday’s Bicester Branch April outing to Gloucestershire as well as Oxfordshire coincided with this year’s warm Easter weather and churches decorated with lovely Easter flowers. The morning’s three of Northleach, Sherbourne and Windrush were all challenging whilst the afternoon’s group of Taynton (what a great ringing chamber!), Fulbrook and Asthall were much easier for the wearier group of 20 ringers in total from 5 branches officially!

All of us had opportunities to extend our ringing range with rounds, call changes, plain hunt, St Clements, Stedman Triples and Kent amongst the repertoire. A very enjoyable day out – and many thanks to Richard Haseldine, joint Ringing Master with Jeremy Adams, for organising it so well. Our supporting team – only 3 this year – gave it (and the extended lunch) full marks too!