Another teacher accredited in Bicester Branch

Thirteen ringers came to tonight’s practice at Kirtlington, where Judith led the majority of sessions as part of her ART Foundation assessment, with Susan and Mark assessing the practice.
I am really pleased to announce that Judith passed the assessment and will shortly be receiving her certificate of accreditation in teaching Module 2F, congratulations!

We had a good number of ringers at Learning the ropes Level 2, including Debbie and Rachel from Witney, Nick and Pinda.
After raising the front six in two threes, Judith called a number of quick-fire call changes, then a practice involving one of six ringers making a deliberate mistake and three non-ringers facing outwards.
Next a theory session on call changes for Liping, with six holding numbers and moving place when their bell was affected in a called change. This was then put into practice with the same six ringing their bells called to Queens and back to rounds.
Next was a session of Mexican Wave involving Short Places starting with each pair announced, then repeated with no prompts. Good to note that Julie rang the five for the first time changing places.

While Judith went off to hear feedback from Susan and Mark, the rest of the band practiced Kaleidoscope short places starting at backstroke and full pull and stand, after a number of even blows determined by each team member in turn.

Finally, we rang up the tenors and practiced ringing rounds and a few call changes on all eight, followed by call changes to Queens and back on the front six, before Susan led us down lowering all eight.
Finally we took the obligatory team photo.

A really good practice. See several of you at Witney tomorrow and Middleton Stoney for branch practice on Wednesday.

Double Celebrations at Weston 2nd March 2023

Ten ringers attended last night’s practice at Weston on-the-Green, including Lesley Belcher, Chair of ART, who came to present Andrew Wilkinson’s M1 Teaching Certificate for Teaching of handling and also to celebrate tower captain Gerald Bushby’s receiving his ART Learning the Ropes Level 3 certificate.  Congratulations to both!

Also in attendance was Kathryn Grant, Branch Secretary with Pam and Tracey, Weston’s latest recruits, who received handling tuition as well as the opportunity to ring rounds with assistance.

Many thanks also go to Mandy Jones who provided wonderful cup cakes at the half-time interval.

Lesley commented on the event: “Congratulations to Gerald and Andrew.  It does really mean a lot to see the Weston team developing.”

Gerald also reflected: “Thank you all so much for your help you have given me along the way.  It is a great personal achievement for me to have reached this level. It goes to show what can be achieved with some individual effort and a great deal of help and encouragement from the surrounding ringing community.”

The Weston Team with Lesly Belcher

Vikki receives her ART Learning the Ropes Level 1

After receiving her Winter Ringing School Graduation certificate earlier this month, Vikki was presented with her ART Learning the Ropes Level 1 certificate at tonight’s practice at Bletchingdon, where she also rang her first blows at Plain Hunt on 5 rather nicely.

Vikki had these words to describe her experience at Winter Ringing School this season:

“The winter ringing school has given me a lot more focussed learning than is possible at my weekly tower practice. This in turn has improved my bell control, on both hand and back stroke, increased my confidence ringing rounds and call changes and taught me how to ring the bells up and down.
The teachers are all lovely, encouraging, patient and provide a calm environment in which to get it wrong whilst endeavouring to get it right!”

Congratulations, Vikki, very best wishes to your continuing success in your ringing career!

Vikki receiving her certificate.

ART M1 Teaching Handling Course 22nd October at Kirtlington

Yesterday Kirtlington hosted an ART M1 Teaching Handling course, which was attended by ten students from near (including Tackley, Weston and Bicester), as well as from as far afield as Kent.

Our tutor was Nick Brett from Rugby, accompanied by a senior ART tutor, Clare McArdle. Susan Read from Old North Berks and Abingdon Ringing School also supported the event.

It was interesting to hear people’s previous experiences, several of whom had felt the need to gain teaching skills to ensure that their local bands can sustain and grow their numbers, while promoting good handling practice. From this, we could see a very wide range of experience and skills amongst the students.

The day was a mixture of presentation of theory (including “what is the role of ART” and “what are the key principles of learning a complex physical activity like ringing” and “what happens after this course”) and practical sessions in the tower with tied bells. Several tips and best practice were shared, beneficial for myself included.

The practical sessions covered first and basic handling teaching activities, through putting both strokes together, introducing raising and lowering with coils assisted and unassisted, to correcting common handling faults. Naturally, the teaching of good handling is in itself a very large subject and the overwhelming majority of students attending the course need the ongoing support of mentors and the ART community to develop their teaching craft.

Ruth Leatherdale, one of the students gave this reflection on the course:

“This was an extremely useful and informative day aimed at supporting those wishing to assist their tower with teaching inexperienced, hesitant and new ringers in bell handling and bell control.

The day included both theory and practical sessions, allowing all those who took part an opportunity to put into practice introducing bell handling skills from first principles as well as maintaining control of a bell with the ‘learner’ (aka experienced ringer!) in a supportive group environment

I personally found that trying to articulate how to ‘ring’ from first principles was extremely challenging and I was grateful to be in a group environment, benefitting from listening to other ways of explaining and demonstrating the same thing.

The warm welcome; friendly, supportive and very knowledgeable training team; informative student pack and of course the constant supply of coffee, tea and biscuits throughout the day and excellent lunch made for a thoroughly enjoyable day whilst at the same time, learning a huge amount. Thank you to all involved.”

Our more local students have been invited to join the regular Winter Ringing School activities at Kirtlington and Abingdon to put their teaching skills into practice in a safe and supportive teaching environment leading eventually (if desired) to accreditation. This should help towards getting us in a better position to train new ringing recruits leading up to next year’s coronation.

In Memoriam Willie Haynes 1938 – 2022

St Marys Church, Charlton on Otmoor was packed for the funeral service for our late branch president, Willie Haynes on 4th October. Ringers who knew Willie were out in strength, including several from neighbouring branches and from further afield. Naturally, there was plenty of ringing both before and afterwards which I think Willie would have approved of.

In a moving service, which celebrated Willie’s long and active life, ringing played a significant part. Not only was Belfry Praise included in the hymns, but Kathryn Grant, Branch Secretary gave an address concerning Willie’s ringing career and related involvement with Branch and Guild, while vicar Lisa included many ringing references in her address, as well as Willie’s pivotal role in Charlton Church and community and which spoke of her and Willie’s strong friendship.

That evening, officers from Bicester Branch, including Branch Ringing Masters Jeremy Adams, Richard Haseldine, Treasurer Anne Martin, Vice President Teresa Carter and Kathryn Grant and myself gathered at Charlton tower to ring a nicely-struck quarter peal of Grandsire Doubles. It was really nice to meet afterwards with Teressa, Willie’s daughter and family who were listening just outside the church.

Three quarter peals have now been dedicated to Willie’s memory with the expectation of at least one or even two 8-bell Quarter Peal Attempts to celebrate his life.

Rest in Peace, Willie!

Bicester Branch Platinum Jubilee Weekend Ringing Round up

As expected, there was plenty of ringing going on around the Bicester Branch to help celebrate the Platinum Jubilee weekend between 2nd and 5th June. Below are some highlights.

Teams of five and six turned out to ring out at Caversfield and Bicester on Thursday and Friday morning, to start the Jubilee celebrations. Thanks to Pinder for the photos.

Caversfield team selfie
The Bicester band

Five ringers joined Sue in celebrating the festive weekend on a sunny Thursday afternoon at Bletchingdon. Thanks to Dave for taking the photos.

Outside the porch
The team in action

On Friday, eleven ringers rang at Islip, including a visitor from Inverness. Several went the extra mile wearing special costumes and hats for the occasion. Photo courtesy of Ricky.

All dressed up at Islip

Islip ringers also supported celebratory ringing at nearby towers on Thursday, including at Charlton-on-Otmoor, Weston and Woodeaton.

The team at Weston on-the-Green rang on Thursday evening and before the Sunday morning Jubilee Service. Thanks to Mandy for the photo

The team at Weston

On Saturday the sun came out in the afternoon for the Kirtlington Jubilee Picnic. A team of eight ringers from three local towers started off the proceedings, finishing with Mandy’s excellent sloe gin. One of the team, Caroline was also the chief organizer of the picnic. Thanks to Caroline’s friend and David for the photos.

The team from above

Five ringers started the celebrations at Ludgershall on Friday (photo courtesy of Jan).

The team at Ludgershall

Hilary, Linda and Christine rang the three bells at Chesterton  in celebration on Thursday and Sunday.

Chesterton’s “Three Musketeers”

A team of five turned out on Sunday afternoon to ring the bells at Middleton Stoney, with the no. 2 stay recently repaired, before the afternoon service.

Slightly further afield, one of our ringers called a Quarter Peal of Bob Minor at Woodstock on Friday afternoon and another helped out at Tackley on Saturday.

QP team at Woodstock

Steve Vickars

2022 AGM Notice and Agenda. Guild Reports and Minutes from 2021

The Notice, Guild and Branch Report and minutes from last year’s AGM are available below.

Making a noise at Ambrosden!

Eight ringers from four towers came to tonight’s branch practice at Ambrosden, aiming to make a good noise on a stately ring of eight that sadly isn’t much so rung these days.

After ringing the front six up in peal and ringing some rounds and a few plain courses of Bob doubles with Anne and Sally in we felt we had to get the tenors up and try out all eight, which we did with Dinah in the band, who did very well.

Next we rang some plain courses of Grandsire doubles, and couple of plain courses of plain Bob minor, which went quite well. After some more call changes on eight we rang a couple of touches of Grandsire doubles including one with Sally trebling and finished with more call changes before ringing the back six down in peal.

We were joined at the end by Pam, Ambrosden tower correspondent (see photo).

A very enjoyable evening. Look out for an opportunity to ring there for the Christmas Tree festival later this year. Hope to see lots of you at the next practice at Piddington on 27th October!

The team with Pam

Steve Vickars

First Quarter Peal at an improved Weston on-the-Green

Big congratulations to Gerald Bushby of Weston on-the-Green for achieving his second Quarter Peal on 7th October 2021, and the first at Weston since the improvements to the ringing chamber and rope circle as well the first there by a member of the team re-formed in 2018.

In the team for this special occasion were appropriately ringers representing the Oxford Guild: Tony Crabtree, conducting and ODG Deputy Master, Lesley Belcher, Chair of ART, Susan Read, head of the ringing school at Abingdon, Jeremy Adams, joint Ringing Master Bicester Branch and Steve Vickars, Branch Training Officer.

Many thanks also to Mandy Jones for laying on some wonderful refreshments after the event and taking the team photo. Thanks also to Jeremy, Lesley and Susan for staying on afterwards for some ringing practice with the Weston Team.

The Bellboard event is at:

The new team at Weston is a real recent success story of a band reforming and there appears to be a prospect of re-starting handling practice for the Weston recruits that started early 2020 just before the Pandemic.

There have been many very favourable comments about the improved ringing facilities at Weston. I hope you get the chance to ring there soon.

2021-10-07 QP at Weston