Progress in Bletchingdon

On Wed 20th March Bletchingdon hosted the special Grandsire Doubles practice. We started off with only 5 ringers (rather down on the heady heights of nearer 20 ringers at the last one!). We rang up and rang some plain courses before an unlocked-gate-ily challenged ringer found her way to the church!

We then worked on getting Sue through a bobs only touch (non-observation), Di on 120s, and Ernie on plain courses. Without anyone else coming along we were able to repeat this cycle a few times over the course of the evening giving them each time to work out what they didn’t spot the time before and try again and they were all making good progress by the end so a very worthwhile practice.

Next week is Holy week so no ringing anywhere….. so… join us on the Branch Outing on Saturday for your last fix of ringing for a week or so – car outing to the Newbury Branch.

Grand-branch practice-sire

On Tuesday 5th March 9 ringers (1 Launton, 3 Islip, 3 Bicester, 1 Stratton, 1 Woodeaton) went along to Islip for the Branch practice.

We started off with plain hunt on 7 which Anne did really well with 🙂 We then pushed ourselves and rang a couple of courses of Grandsire Triples! (First time in the branch for a while). We then moved on to Grandsire Doubles with Sally ringing the observation bell.. would have been better if the conductor hadn’t thought he was ringing a different bell (how embarrassing – sorry Teresa!) … thanks to Sarah the mistake was discovered and the next attempt was successful.

We rang more plain hunt on 7 (Anne on a different bell) and again Anne did really well. We had another couple of courses of Grandsire Triples with different ringers inside and finished with a course of Stedman Doubles.

All trips to Islip require some apres-ring (if there is such a term) so we headed off to the Swan for some drinks and prawn crackers :9

Next branch event is the special practice (Grandsire Doubles) in Bletchingdon, shortly followed by the branch outing – looking forward to them both 🙂

Revised 2013 branch outing schedule

Following the cancellation of Great Shefford which I reported at the Branch AGM (great to see 18 ringers for this years meeting – and thanks for putting up with my organ playing!) I have rearranged the tower before lunch and the pub. The revised details of the outing (Saturday 23rd March, Newbury area) can be downloaded below:



Please pass on and if you are planning to come along please let Anthony know.

Due to forecast snow tomorrow I’ve set up a Twitter feed so I can get updates to everyone. The feed should automatically update on this web page (top right), but if not please search for @accole32 #bbo13 on Twitter.

Stedman at Bicester

On Monday 18th Feb 6 ringers (mostly from Bicester, but glad to see Kathryn too) banded together for what was advertised as a Stedman Doubles and Plain Bob Major practice. Well, given there were only 6 of us, Major was not going to be an option (not enough of us can ring two bells each!!!)

We started with Stedman Doubles and managed two courses without real problems which was a good start. We then gave Jan practice at Plain Bob Minor which was a little shaky, but got through it ok.

Having done so well with the plain courses of Stedman I put in a couple of “Singles” which tested Kathryn rather, but we got through to the end so I would say that was a good start at a touch 🙂

Having had a rest we then rang a touch of Plain Bob Minor (just two singles which threw the more experienced ringers!).. Jan managed without too many trips and we got to the end so perhaps a little progress there too.. maybe!

Steve had to leave for work so we finished off the evening with Morris’ 240 of Grandsire Doubles.. LOTS of “Singles” .. made it nearly to the end before two bells swapped over.. having not spotted it in time I quickly recomposed and brought it round without resorting to a call of “ROUNDS”.. feeling smug now 🙂

Our AGM is on Saturday so hopefully see lots of branch members (at least one from each tower pretty please?!) at Ludgershall.. if the forecast is right wear something warm! Supper at the Bull & Butcher should warm us up though 🙂

Details of 2013 outing

The Branch Outing for 2013 will be to the Newbury area on Saturday 23rd March. Please put the date in your diary.

Update 20130223: Great Shefford now require building work so have cancelled. I’m arranging an alternate tower and pub – revised details available as soon as confirmed.

Do please mention this to everyone you can – it would be great to see lots of ringers to make the outing more interesting for everyone.

2013 Branch AGM notice – 23rd Feb

The Annual General Meeting of the Bicester Branch of the ODG will be held on Sat 23rd Feb in Ludgershall. This year we will be having an evening meeting followed by supper at the Bull & Butcher. We would like to encourage at least one member from each tower to attend so that each towers opinions can be represented in the way the branch is run. The plan is:

Ringing 6pm
Service 6:30pm
Meeting 7pm
Supper at the Bull & Butcher 7:45pm

Kirtlington PLO

“PLO” you say? Palestine Liberation Organisation?? Err.. no. In days gone by when I went on ringing weeks a “PLO” was a “Potential Lock Out” and Friday 1st Feb was one of those. 7 ringers met at Kirtlington with instructions that we should get the key from the church warden as the tower correspondent was away. Unfortunately when I visted the church wardens house she was not at home either! We stood by the church gates and chatted (whilst some rapid phone calls were made), and were just about to give up and go to the pub (or home) when we spotted a car arrive in the churchwardens drive. Success!! We then had a key 🙂

With not enough to ring all eight bells we elected to ring the front six (not quite in key, but didn’t sound too bad). We rang plain courses of Grandsire Doubles, some plain hunt on five, a touch of Plain Bob Doubles, and finished with a short touch of Grandsire Doubles with Sally “observation” – didn’t quite get to the end, but it wasn’t Sally’s fault.

A good evening, but a few more ringers would have made it better. Well done all those who came out (especially Willy who wasn’t really fit to ring – we all really hope Willy will be back fighting fit very soon).

Next practice is the special practice at Bicester on 18th Feb – Plain Bob Major and Stedman Doubles, shortly followed by our Branch AGM on Saturday 23rd Feb.

St Nicholas at St Nicholas’

On Tuesday 15th January 8 ringers (from 5 towers) banded together for the first special practice of the year. On the menu were St Nicholas Doubles and Plain Bob Minor.

Our attempts at St Nicholas proved very shaky though we did (just) get to the end of a plain course by the end of the evening.

We proved more capable at Plain Bob Minor and rang plain courses without fault. However, when we tried a touch near the end of the evening we sadly were not up to the task 🙁 We will have to keep plugging away at it.

We also rang plain courses of Grandsire Doubles and plain hunt on 7 for those for whom St Nicholas & Plain Bob Minor were too advanced. Islip’s latest recruit was also there learning to handle a bell ably taught by Teresa so hopefully we will see Kim at future branch events as she progresses.

A trip to Islip is not complete without a trip to the pub where we chatted and ate Prawn Crackers which the Swan give us when we drink there 🙂

Only a few weeks until the AGM… hoping we will see at least one representative from each tower at Ludgershall on the 23rd Feb – with a meal afterwards in the local pub.

Slow start for 2013

The branch practice at Bicester on Mon 7th Jan was a slow start to the year – we had 6 ringers from 2 towers; a ringer new to Bicester tower who has been ringing at the neighbouring tower of Marsh Gibbon joined us and given our small number our efforts focussed on helping him. After “up” we rang first call changes and then had a number of goes of Plain Bob Doubles with Arthur ringing tenor behind (not something he had done before) and he improved as the evening went on – well done Arthur 🙂

Next practice is next week at Islip – St Nicholas Doubles and Plain Bob Minor. Hopefully see more of you there 🙂

Anthony Cole