Progress in Bletchingdon

On Wed 20th March Bletchingdon hosted the special Grandsire Doubles practice. We started off with only 5 ringers (rather down on the heady heights of nearer 20 ringers at the last one!). We rang up and rang some plain courses before an unlocked-gate-ily challenged ringer found her way to the church!

We then worked on getting Sue through a bobs only touch (non-observation), Di on 120s, and Ernie on plain courses. Without anyone else coming along we were able to repeat this cycle a few times over the course of the evening giving them each time to work out what they didn’t spot the time before and try again and they were all making good progress by the end so a very worthwhile practice.

Next week is Holy week so no ringing anywhere….. so… join us on the Branch Outing on Saturday for your last fix of ringing for a week or so – car outing to the Newbury Branch.