Ambrosden heavyweights April 2015

On Friday 10th April 11 ringers from 5  branch towers came together to ring the heaviest set of bells in the branch. Ambrosden only has one resident ringer so it was nice to hear them rung.
After a shaky ring up we started with rounds to help the lesser experienced used to the bells – there is a long draught to get used to as well as the weight of the bells.
Next we rang plain courses of Grandsire Doubles on the back 6 before more Grandsire on the front bells.
We moved on to a touch of Plain bob Doubles and then call changes.
Next we had a couple of courses of Plain Bob Minor on the back bells – have to admit the ringing master enjoyed turning in the tenor!
We rang some more Grandsire on the front 6 with bobs this time before the last set of call changes.

Thanks to a number of experienced ringers standing behind learners it was a good teaching practice and great experience for all ringing heavier bells.
The next branch event is the branch outing on Saturday 18th April – details on the website.

Anthony Cole