A right royal ring

Bicester was the host for the special practice on Monday 15th April with Reverse Canterbury Doubles and St Clements Minor on the plan.

The practice started as so many do these days with 6 ringers (2 new Bicester ringers, 2 older Bicester ringers, one from Islip and one all the way from my old stomping ground – North Leigh). However, before we had the front 6 up we had 2 more Bicester ringers and one from Stratton Audley making 9 ringers so the back 4 were duly raised! We started off with plain hunt on 7 before tackling the first set method – Reverse Canterbury. After a quick theory lesson on the board we rang a plain course with people watching, and it went so well that we followed it with a 120. We next rang some call changes on the back 8, and then a 10th person arrived (Royal = 10 bells, hence the title!). We then rang some plain courses of Grandsire Doubles followed by some plain courses of Reverse Canterbury for those who had watched earlier – well done Ian 🙂 Given we had 10 ringers we felt we had to have a go on all 10 so we rang call changes until we reached Queens (1357924680) which sounded pretty good – possibly the first time Bicester have heard all 10 this year!

Not enough ringers claimed to be able to try St Clements so we decided Kent Treble Bob Minor should be attempted instead – we didn’t get to the end, but more than half way through.

A good evenings ringing