Pancake day practice at Islip

The special practice at Islip on Shrove Tuesday and the usual Islip pancake party didn’t have the expected draw of ringers, but I guess we didn’t advertise it particularly as a pancake practice! We did have 8 ringers, but the proposed methods (Stedman Doubles and Plain Bob Major) were a little beyond us. We did manage plain courses of Stedman Doubles, but things fell apart when “Singles” were introduced. Plain courses of Grandsire Doubles sounded great and the Plain Hunt on 8 settled and was also successful. We didn’t hold up much hope for a plain course of Bob Major, but tried it nevertheless – after a few goes we managed nearly two leads… maybe a little more work is needed on that one!

Following the practice we duly decamped to Kathryn’s for pancakes and drinks – sadly there weren’t enough of us to get through all the pancakes 🙁

The branch AGM is this Saturday so hoping to see lots of branch members there.