2015 Social 14th December

On Monday 14th December 9 ringers (from 3 branch towers) came to Bicester for the last branch event of the year – the special practice and Christmas social. On the schedule was St Nicholas Doubles and St Clements Minor.

After a very shaky up we rang St Nicholas Doubles (appropriate for the time of year I thought!).. also a little shakily, but we got through a plain course eventually. We were then rewarded with a sausage roll each (freshly baked by yours truly!). Next we rang a touch of Grandsire Doubles which had a false start, but the second attempt worked ok… another sausage roll.

We rang more Grandsire Doubles – plain courses this time, followed by another attempt at St Nicholas .. and another sausage roll. Before Steve went off to work we rang a touch of Plain Bob Minor (with Bobs and Singles) and then we finished with more plain courses of Grandsire Doubles. Sadly we didn’t quite have a good enough band to try the St Clements Minor, but maybe another day.

After down we headed to the Littlebury Hotel bar for a drink and a chin wag – a nice way to end the year’s branch activities. The next branch event is the branch practice (again at Bicester) on Monday 4th January. May I take this opportunity to wish all the branch folk a lovely Christmas and a Happy and hopefully ringing filled 2016!

Anthony Cole

Last 2015 BP December 2015

On Wednesday 2nd December 7 ringers (mostly from Charlton on Otmoor) banded together for the last branch practice of 2015 at Charlton on Otmoor.

After a rather rough ring up in peal we rang call changes for Rachel (well done!) – afterwards we had a discussion on how to work out which bell to follow if you the bells below you swap and if you head down.

Next we rang plain courses of Grandsire Doubles and then (after a break and chat) some more Grandsire Doubles with Rachel on the treble (and Willy beside).. sadly that didn’t go too well, but then Rachel had only covered to plain hunt before! We swapped around and Rachel stood beside Willy whilst we rang again, talking her through it though I suspect quite a bit went over her head (session with the whiteboard required soon methinks). Rachel left for her (kept quiet until that point) birthday party! We rang plain courses of Plain Bob Doubles to finish and then after a reasonable ring down headed for the pub across the road (like you do at Charlton!)

Last event of the year is on a couple of weeks – Monday 14th Dec at Bicester.. with mince pies and sausage rolls if I get my act together in time! See lots of you there soon hopefully.

Anthony Cole

Bicester doubles and triples 17 November 2015

On Monday 16th November Bicester hosted a special practice and 10 ringers from 4 towers came along to try something a little above their regular tower methods – the methods for the evening were St Simon’s and St Martin’s Doubles and Plain Bob Triples.

After a quick go for a ringer returning from 21 years absence from ringing we rang up all the bells and started with rounds on the front six which turned into call changes as Del’s handling and memory of ringing was returning fast!

Next we rang plain hunt on 7 (well done Samuel and Anne) followed by a successful touch of St Simon’s Doubles. Rounds and call changes on 8 followed and then a touch of Grandsire Doubles with Anne on a working bell – bobs and singles this time!

And now for something harder… plain courses of Plain Bob Triples .. after a wobbly first attempt for a few ringers, the second attempt was successful (well done Samuel on the Treble) and the third attempt was similarly successful (well done Anne on the Treble).

We finished with some St Simon’s and St Martin’s spliced (no bobs!) to give everyone the idea of what was involved – there was plenty of enthusiasm for trying the other two methods another day (St Osmund and Eynesbury) – all four share the same back work, differing only in the front work made before and after making seconds around the treble. It makes it a little more difficult but it is easier than it sounds once you have a go at it!

Thanks to some experienced help from Ludgershall it was a really useful and progress filled practice so thanks to the Haseldine’s and well done everyone else!

Next branch event is the branch practice at Charlton on Otmoor on Wed 2nd December – look forward to seeing lots of you there πŸ˜€

Anthony Cole

Belter at Bletchingdon 7 November 2015

On Wednesday 4th Nov 18 ringers descended on Bletchingdon for the November branch practice.

After ringing up (best glossed over) we rang 3 lots of call changes for the two new learners from Kirtlington and one from Yarnton before moving on to plain courses of Grandsire Doubles. After more call changes we changed to plain courses of Plain Bob Doubles.Β  More call changes and then we finished with a touch of Grandsire Doubles (bobs only) with Anne on an affected bell (following being taught it on the Steeple Aston course) and she did fine earning herself some well deserved applause from those watching.

The evening saw big improvements from the Kirtlington learners and progress from others too and Willie said it was the best branch practice of the year.

The next branch event is the special practice at Bicester on Monday 16th Nov – special methods being St Simon’s and St Martin’s Doubles and maybe Plain Bob Triples if we’re lucky. Hopefully see lots of ringers coming to admire our new carpet!

Anthony Cole

Islip not so special practice 20 October 2015

On Tues 20th October the branch headed to Islip for the special practice. Almost from the start it was clear we were not going to get Rev Canterbury Doubles or Plain Bob Minor!
We started with a few goes at rounds for the beginners.. Islip currently have 5! After the younger contingent went home we did manage a touch of Grandsire Doubles on the back 5 before heading to the pub for a short branch meeting.
A disappointing turnout but useful for the beginners never the less.
Next branch event is the branch practice on Wed 4th Nov so hope to see some of you there then.

Anthony Cole

Bicester bp 5th October 2015

On Monday 5th October 9 ringers from 4 branch towers banded together for the branch practice at Bicester.

After ringing up (hmm.. not our best) we rang plain courses of Grandsire Doubles, followed by ringing up the back bells and trying some plain hunt on 7 – new for some! With a bit of coaxing we go through it so well done Jean.

We rang a touch of Grandsire Doubles with Jeremy calling to get in some practice before I get him to call a quarter peal… shame it fired out about 90 changes through. We rang more plain hunt on 7 and then a good touch of Plain Bob Minor. We rang more Grandsire Doubles before ringing down which was pretty good. Hopefully we’ll have our new carpet before you all next visit!

The next branch event is the special practice at Islip on Tues 20th Oct – Reverse Canterbury Doubles (Plain Bob Doubles with places instead of dodges) and Plain Bob Minor. See you all there!

Anthony Cole

The Bletchingdon special

On Wednesday 23rd September 12 ringers from the Bicester, Witney & Woodstock and Oxford City branches joined together for the special practice at Bletchingdon.

As with previous practices at Bletchingdon we focused on Grandsire Doubles though this time Plain Bob Doubles was also requested. After a shaky “up” we rang call changes – well done Rachel – and then the first of many plain courses of Grandsire Doubles, interspersed with more call changes. Towards the end of the evening we rang Plain Bob Doubles and then had a discussion on the merits of setting / leaving bells at back stroke and (despite worries about it) had a go at setting the bells at backstroke from rounds .. 5 out of 6 managed it on time! Pulling off from backstroke proved to be more scary for some than setting at backstroke, but really there is little difference in what is going on upstairs – we are just less familiar with setting / pulling off at backstroke. With the bells set at backstroke you can tell how much rope you need for the backstroke when you grab the bell, but not necessarily where to catch the sally – normally it is the other way around and thus is less scary apparently – having been taught the exercise of setting successive times at backstroke I find this isn’t a problem, but it unsettles some. Perhaps more practice at it is required?? I bet that wouldn’t be popular at a branch practice!

Anyway, next branch event is the Branch Practice at Bicester on Monday 5th October so I look forward to seeing lots of you there.


2015 Striking competition Trophy’s new home

On Saturday 5th September Islip hosted the 2015 Branch BBQ and Striking Competition. As in the last few years Kathryn welcomed us to her home near the church and the BBQ was started whilst people arrived and teams were formed.

The ringing got underway at 18:30 with Alison and Louise from the Witney & Woodstock Branch judging our efforts. Despite a number of the main Islip ringers being away (Happy Wedding Anniversary Teresa & Richard!), we still managed to muster three teams (two tower teams and a “harlequin” team including two ringers from outside the branch). All teams rang call changes and the first two teams both included recent recruits – Caversfield had two recruits who have been ringing for about 18 months (youngest being 11 years old), Islip had one ringer who has only been ringing a few months.

The competition piece consisted of 1 minute of “rounds” followed by 5 minutes of call changes. There were no big crashes in any of the teams competition pieces and the results were as follows:

Team 1 (Caversfield) – 91%
Team 2 (Islip) – 82%
Team 3 (Harlequin team – apparently to be called “Stratton Audley” if they won, or “Bicester” if they lost!) – 90%

So congratulations to Caversfield (as the tower captain I admit to being very pleased with my students progress and a great result for them).

We retired to Kathryn’s for the remainder of the BBQ, wine, scrumpy etc and puddings! Another lovely evening and my thanks to Alison & Louise for judging, and Kathryn for opening her home once again. Do come over to Caversfield to look at our newly acquired trophy if you get a chance πŸ˜€

The winning team – Caversfield

Trophy presentation

results being read out

Results being read out

Special Islip practice 21 July 2015

On Tuesday 21st July Islip hosted the July special practice. On the schedule was Grandsire Doubles and Kent TB Minor. 11 ringers came along from 4 branch towers (and one from outside the branch).

We started off with rounds and call changes for Rachel, then Laura had a lesson with Keith before some plain courses of Grandsire for Samuel. We then had more call changes and then tried treble bobbing to give Steve an idea of what to do on the treble and see if we might be up to ringing Kent.. sadly we struggled so Kent was not going to work, but Steve was getting the hang of the treble by the end. More lessons for Laura and then we rang a touch of Grandsire for Anne.

More call changes and another lesson for Laura (putting the handstroke and backstroke together) before ringing down. Have to say Rachel and Laura are making great progress so keep it up πŸ˜€

Sadly I had to get Samuel home, but the pub called to the other ringers.

The next event is the branch practice at Ludgershall on Fri 7th August – usually a good practice so do come along if you can.

Anthony Cole

Ringing up and down course 2015

Here is Sally’s report on the branch ringing up and down course for 2015:

β€œA Ringing Up and Down Course was held at Bicester on 11th July led by Anthony Cole.

It was superbly organised with a low number of learners ringing and plenty of experienced ringers between us to practically keep us in check.

A very well worth while afternoon for all us learners and a leap in my progress. Thank you everone.

Sally Wale”