Bicester triples birthday fun 3rd Oct 2016

On Mon 3rd Octboer Bicester played host to the October branch practice with 10 ringers (9 branch members plus a visitor from Northampton).

We started by ringing up the back 6 and then ringing the 3 & 4 up so we had the back 8.

We started with call changes on the 8 and  then 2 more people arrived so we rang up the trebles.

We rang rounds on 10, then plain hunt on 5. Next we rang plain courses of Grandsire Triples and some call changes on 8. Next was a touch of Grandsire Doubles. The Bicester regulars had been trying to learn All Hallows so we rang some plain courses, followed by more plain hunt on 5 and a touch of Plain Bob Minor on the back 6. Then we rang down and (as it was my birthday the next day) we headed for the Littlebury Hotel bar for a drink.

The next branch event is the mini-tour on Sat 15th October. Details have been circulated by email.

Anthony Cole

September 2016 special at Bletchingdon

On Wed 28th Sept 13 guild members (a mixture from Bicester and Yarnton in the W&W Branch) headed for Bletchingdon and the September special practice.

After a rather shaky up we started with plain courses of Grandsire Doubles. After 3 goes at this we tried a touch (bobs only) for a couple of people. After more plain courses we rang more touches including one with Singles. Nice to see Sue getting more confident with the half-hunt touch on the 3.

We ended the evening with a couple of plain courses of Plain Bob Doubles before a reasonable ring down.

The next branch event is the branch practice at Bicester next Monday 3rd Oct (which, given it is my birthday the next day, I hope to drag some people to the pub!)

Details of the mini-outing will be made available shortly (starts 10am Sat 15 Oct at Finmere).

Anthony Cole

Launton September 2016

On Tuesday 6th Sept Launton hosted the September Branch Practice. 12 members from 6 towers attended. The evening was rather warm and muggy but (unlike last year when it rained) those not ringing were able to sit on the bench outside the tower.

After a shaky up we rang first plain courses and then a touch of Grandsire Doubles. We rang more plain courses before some Plain Bob Doubles, a touch of Reverse Canterbury Doubles, another touch of Grandsire and some Plain Bob Minor. One final course of Grandsire Doubles was followed by ringing down with mixed results.

Following the practice favourable comments were given to the local Launton ringers so it must have sounded good 😀

Next on the branch schedule we have a special practice at Bletchingdon on Wed 28th Sept (Grandsire and Plain Bob Doubles). Details of the “Mini-tour” will hopefully be available shortly – date for your diary – Saturday 15th October.

Anthony Cole

BBQ and SC 2016

On Saturday 3rd Sept Bicester played host to the 2016 branch Striking Competition and BBQ.

It was a rather wet evening, but we had three teams in the competition which was judged by Richard White from Woodstock.

Team 1 (Bicester) rang a touch of Grandsire Doubles, incuring 52 faults.

Team  2 (Caversfield – defending champions) rang 4 plain courses of Gradnsire Doubles (having only rung call changes last year, but the team has progressed), incurring 58 faults.

Team 3 (Islip) with the help from two Stratton Audley ringers rang call changes and incurred 56 faults.

All very close as you can see, but Bicester topped the standings this year.

Thanks to Helen and Rob Parkinson who opened their home to us all we had a lovely evening (despite the rain) with a BBQ, salads, puddings (rather alcoholic trifle :9) and lots of chatting. A fun evening and my thanks to all who took part and contributed to the food.

Next branch practice is on Tuesday at Launton – hopefully see you there (and hope the weather is better!)

Anthony Cole

Cheers – August 2016

On Friday 5th August 14 ringers from across the branch (ad one former-branch member up from Cornwall) headed for the branch practice at Ludgershall.

After ringing up we went straight into a touch of Grandsire Doubles and then helped he locals with a few plain courses of Blaisdon Bob Doubles (not exactly a regularly rung method at branch practices, but the locals had been learning it because if instead of using the Blaisdon “Bob” you substitute it with a Grandsire “Single” .. called as a “Bob” you get the Doubles variation “Ludgershall”.

Next we did plain hunt on 5 and Plain Bob Doubles and  another touch of Grandsire Doubles.

On request we then had a touch of Stedman Doubles (and a comment from Simon of how many dodges there were at the back) and more plain hunt before some plain courses of Grandsire Doubles.

Despite “we haven’t got past the first bob” and other misgivings, as our finale I felt we ought to try to complete a touch of Ludgershall…. a little wobbly at the first bob, but onwards we went .. completing the 120 successfully to a round of applause.

We rang down and then brought out the Prosecco … yes I did type that right.. this was because Sarah and I were celebrating our 16th wedding anniversary by going ringing to the branch practice! Following a toast from Jeremy and Rachel (I think!) Sarah and I tried to get others to follow us to the pub but I don’t think anyone wanted to be a gooseberry on our night out without the kids!

The big summer break is now upon is and the next branch event is the branch Striking Competition and BBQ at Bicester on Saturday 3rd September – 5:30pm ringing followed by BBQ at the Old Priory in Priory Lane (home of Helen, ringer of Bicester). The competition will be judged by Richard White of Woodstock and promises to be a good fun evening – my fellow Caversfield team members and I are hoping to defend our trophy so from our perspective we hope no other teams enter(!), but I would encourage you to enter a team if you can (we won with relatively new recruits ringing call changes last year). Please let Kathryn or Anthony know if you’re coming to the BBQ to give us an idea for catering.

Anthony Cole

Spliced anyone? 16 July 2016

On Saturday 16th July we held our annual branch training course. Following successive years of Ringing Up & Down this year we held a rope splicing course.

Stratton Audley hosted the course where 6 students came along to try both short and long splices. I demonstrated a short splice first of all and then (thanks to Steve for bringing some old ropes – unusable as bell ropes anymore due to their length/past breakages) we headed into the sunny churchyard to have a go. Results were mixed – some having difficulties and others finding it easier (and the resulting “fixed” ropes resulted in the odd tug of war to test their strength).

After a couple of hours trying we moved on to long splices (Jeremy had got ahead of us following the instructions printed off the website).. I demonstrated how to do a long splice and then the students had a go, again with mixed results.

It was the first time I had taught splicing so that was interesting and I have picked up some traps to watch out for another time, and the students seemed to enjoy the practice too.

Anthony Cole

July 2016 Islip practice

Tues July 19th was special in a number of ways. Firstly it was Samuel’s 12th birthday, and also it was the evening of the July Special practice which was hosted by Islip.

9 branch members (from 5 towers) braved the hottest day of the year so far.

Whilst Kent TB Minor was one of the nominated methods that was not going to happen; however plain courses of Grandsire and Plain Bob Doubles were rung,  interspersed with call changes for Islip’s rapidly improving learner, and a touch of Grandsire Doubles was attempted too (perhaps a conducting course is required to help when the Ringing Master is away??). The lure of the pub and a drink outside persuaded us to finish punctually with a very competent lower!

Anthony Cole

Damp Middleton 1st June 2016

On Wednesday 1st June Middleton Stoney hosted the June branch practice. In the past this has been a lovely practice with a warm welcome and a lovely summers evening. The welcome for 15 ringers from around the branch was as warm as ever but for the first time in 5 years it was a damp summers evening.

We started with plain hunt on 5 for a couple of bands and then rang call changes. Next we rang plain courses of Plain Bob Doubles without any problems. More plain hunt on 5 and then on 6 was followed by call changes and plain courses of Grandsire Doubles ably led by Jeremy whilst I investigated the church and organ! More plain courses of Grandsire followed then call changes and a final touch of Grandsire Doubles before ringing down.

Our next practice is call changes and plain hunt (and possibly a little more?) at Kirtlington on Monday 13th – a chance for branch folks to meet many members of the newly formed band. I look forward to seeing you there 😀

Anthony Cole

Bicester caters for all 16 May 2016

On Monday 16th May 10 ringers (6 Bicester, 1 Islip and 3 Oxford City ringers) attended the special practice at Bicester. On the agenda (if we had enough capable ringers) were Little Bob Minor and Grandsire Triples. Also at the back of my mind, given we have a 10 bell wedding on Saturday, I was hoping to get enough ringers to do some practice on 10.

At a little before 8pm we were still only 5, but headed up the tower anyway to ring. As we were about to ring up the doorbell went and 3 visitors from Oxford City were asking to be let it. I headed downstairs whilst 4 bells were rung up (3-6). Once upstairs again we rang up the back 4 and then tackled our first nominated method of the evening – Grandsire Triples. A shaky start, but on the second attempt we succeeded and rang two courses in the end – some smiles on our faces resulted – it’s been a while since we rang that at Bicester – well done Ian for getting through without mishap for first time in a couple of years.

Two more arrived so we rang up the trebles and then proceeded to practice call changes on 10.. not too bad.

I then proposed we try Little Bob Minor. The first band got through a couple of courses with a few wobbles, and the second band managed three courses – very good, and excellent attempts by Ian & Simon who hadn’t rung it before.

Given we had 10 bells I thought we ought to push ourselves further so plain hunt on 9 (caters!) was called. The first time through was a little rough, but it settled and by the end we were ringing it with good striking – excellent first ever attempt by Amanda and smiles all around as we haven’t done that for a very long time!

After dropping the trebles we rang down the back 8 in peal – pretty well struck and nice rounds to catch at the end.

All in all a great practice with some (rare) advanced ringing – if only all practices were like that! (Not that I am belittling less advanced methods – just a while since we’ve rung the more advanced stuff).

Next event is the branch practice at Middleton Stoney on Wed 1st June. Do please come along if you can.

Anthony Cole

Piddington progress 4th May 2016

On Wed 4th May (Star Wars day!) 12 ringers (1 local, 1 Launton, 1 Biceter, 2 Kirtlington and 7 from Stratton Audley) headed for Piddington and the May branch practice.

The locals had been planning to cancel their own practice due to illness, but the bells were rung up ready for us when we arrived. We started with plain hunt on 4 before the band from Stratton Audley descended en-mass – nice to see them all (though I admit we didn’t hear them come into the church – bells being as loud as they are).

We rang several lots of call changes to get folks used to the bells and then started on plain hunt on 5. That went pretty well so we started on plain courses of Grandsire Doubles and by the end of the evening 3 of the Stratton Audley ringers had rung the treble to Grandsire Doubles for the first time .. excellent progress 😀

Ringing down.. well .. not going to mention that… whoops …just did!

Next practice is the special practice at Bicester on Mon 16th May – suggested methods are Little Bob Minor and Grandsire Triples – we will (as always) ring other things too so please do support that event and if you fancy having a go at plain hunt on 7 (or perhaps even a plain course of Grandsire Triples) then we would love to give you the opportunity.

Anthony Cole