Cheers – August 2016

On Friday 5th August 14 ringers from across the branch (ad one former-branch member up from Cornwall) headed for the branch practice at Ludgershall.

After ringing up we went straight into a touch of Grandsire Doubles and then helped he locals with a few plain courses of Blaisdon Bob Doubles (not exactly a regularly rung method at branch practices, but the locals had been learning it because if instead of using the Blaisdon “Bob” you substitute it with a Grandsire “Single” .. called as a “Bob” you get the Doubles variation “Ludgershall”.

Next we did plain hunt on 5 and Plain Bob Doubles and  another touch of Grandsire Doubles.

On request we then had a touch of Stedman Doubles (and a comment from Simon of how many dodges there were at the back) and more plain hunt before some plain courses of Grandsire Doubles.

Despite “we haven’t got past the first bob” and other misgivings, as our finale I felt we ought to try to complete a touch of Ludgershall…. a little wobbly at the first bob, but onwards we went .. completing the 120 successfully to a round of applause.

We rang down and then brought out the Prosecco … yes I did type that right.. this was because Sarah and I were celebrating our 16th wedding anniversary by going ringing to the branch practice! Following a toast from Jeremy and Rachel (I think!) Sarah and I tried to get others to follow us to the pub but I don’t think anyone wanted to be a gooseberry on our night out without the kids!

The big summer break is now upon is and the next branch event is the branch Striking Competition and BBQ at Bicester on Saturday 3rd September – 5:30pm ringing followed by BBQ at the Old Priory in Priory Lane (home of Helen, ringer of Bicester). The competition will be judged by Richard White of Woodstock and promises to be a good fun evening – my fellow Caversfield team members and I are hoping to defend our trophy so from our perspective we hope no other teams enter(!), but I would encourage you to enter a team if you can (we won with relatively new recruits ringing call changes last year). Please let Kathryn or Anthony know if you’re coming to the BBQ to give us an idea for catering.

Anthony Cole