Christmas special practice & social

On Monday 17th December 8 ringers from Bicester, Stratton Audley and Islip came together for the last branch event of the year – the special practice with Grandsire Doubles and Grandsire Triples on offer.

The practice started slowly, but the promise of sausage rolls and mince pies ensured we got the bells up! We rang a touch of Grandsire Doubles to start with. Our 8th ringer arrived, but sadly Grandsire Triples was not going to be. However, with 8 ringers we took the opportunity to ring some plain hunt on 7 and 8 before trying a festively named method “St Nicholas Doubles” – we stuck to plain courses, and despite hesitation beforehand we rang it well. We then rang plain courses of Grandsire Doubles for Helen and then some more St Nicholas before ringing down.

As it was a social we then decamped to the pub for some festive cheer and chat :9

A good evening and a good way to finish off the year. I wish all my readers a Happy Christmas & a Happy New Year too – the first practice next year is not until 7th January (at Bicester) when we can start working off our Christmas indulgences.

Warm reception on freezing Otmoor

On Wednesday 5th Dec 9 branch ringers (3 from Charlton, 2 Islip, 2 Launton, 1 Stratton, 1 Bicester) banded together on a freezing night for a Branch Practice on the lovely bells (and warm tower) of Charlton On Otmoor.

We started with some plain hunt following Anne’s recent attendance at the Steeple Aston course, and it was clear she was learning fast. We rang some plain courses of Grandsire Doubles with Anne watching the 2 and then Anne had a go at that – and was solid as a rock (unlike the ringers around her who made mistakes!) Great work Anne 🙂

Sally was persuaded to try the observation bell for a touch of Grandsire Doubles and by the end of the evening had managed that twice (with a little help from her friends).

Jean seemed uncertain with the treble to Grandsire, but proved more than able to ring it which was encouraging.

Mary had a go at plain courses of Grandsire Doubles and managed well too.

We had a go at a plain course of Plain Bob Minor which we eventually got through – not one of the things they are able to ring regularly so it was pleasing to get through it.

Our last ring was some plain hunting on 6 with a few ringers attempting it for the first time (Anne & Jean) – success once again!

Ringing down was not brilliant, but it was a practice night and Anne wasn’t confident. However, she was able to follow the treble down fairly well, getting back into place a couple of times which is a useful skill to perfect.

So, a thoroughly useful and enjoyable practice – my thanks to those who helped out too 🙂 The pub was equally warm and inviting afterwards before the trek back over the frozen moor.

Last practice of the year is at Bicester on Monday 17th December … with mince pies and sausage rolls if I can find some time to cook/shop. Looking forward to it 🙂

Winchendon special

On Tuesday 20th November 6 branch members (4 towers) and a regular guest from Church Hanborough met at Islip for the special practice. The plan for the evening was Grandsire Triples and Winchendon Place Doubles, but it was clear from the off that we wouldn’t have enough for Grandsire Triples. However, with Sally working on Grandsire Doubles we were sure to get Grandsire in one form. We started with plain courses of Grandsire Doubles before ringing plain courses of Winchendon Place Doubles (St Simons with all dodges replaced by places, or St Nicholas with places on the front instead of dodges if you prefer!). We then persuaded Sally to try the observation bell for Grandsire Doubles – Teresa stood behind her and she managed it without too much correction – well done Sally. A different band then rang more plain courses of Winchendon Place before we retired to the pub for a well earned drink (and prawn crackers.. now that the Swan is a “Chinese” pub).

Once again a lovely evening with good friends – the next branch event is the Branch Practice at Charlton On Otmoor on Wed 5th Dec – hopefully see many of you there.

BP @ Bletchingdon

On November 7th

12 ringers (from 6 towers) enjoyed another lively practice with progress made on Plain Hunt and Grandsire Doubles. Although we missed one of our Joint Ringing Masters (we sent sympathy since he was on a course with exams – at his age too! (Editor: Thanks Kathryn!!!)), Jeremy ensured that we all maintained the friendly, encouraging approach which is the hallmark of our Branch Practices.

The next practice for the branch is the special practice in Islip on 20th November – Grandsire Triples and Winchendon Place Doubles (if you can ring St Simon’s Doubles, you can ring Winchendon – see for the line – or look in your copy of “Diagrams”).

No Cambridge at Bicester

On Monday 15th October 7 ringers banded together for the special practice at Bicester – sadly no visitors to help us. The methods proposed for the evening were Plain Bob Minor and Cambridge Surprise Minor.

We started with some Grandsire Doubles and then Jan had her first go at Plain Bob Minor. We all nodded etc and with a bit of help we succeeded 🙂 We then had a go at Grandsire Doubles for Helen – counting out places for her as we went too see if we could help her understand places. A bit of theory was also done on the board and putting the blue line on its side seemed to make more sense so perhaps a bit of a break through.. time will tell.

We had another go at the Plain Bob Minor and Jan managed without  much help (though some of the more experienced ringers seemed to need some!).

It was obvious we weren’t going to get any Cambridge – never mind – a challenge for another day.

Next practice is at Bletchingdon on 7th November – a lovely ground floor 6 with very welcoming locals so put that in your diary and hopefully see you there 🙂

Double Birthday Branch Practice

On Monday 1st Oct 9 ringers from 4 branch towers came to Bicester for the Branch Practice, and to celebrate Kathryn’s recent and Anthony’s pending birthdays.

We started in style on the front 6 with a touch of Plain Bob Minor then moved on to Grandsire Doubles (plain courses) before the Charlton duo arrived to bolster our number. We then rang up the back bells and rang Plain Hunt on 7 (well done Ali). We then pushed ourselves with some Kent TB Minor – 3rd time in the branch in as many weeks, and just as successful – Great stuff 🙂

With Steve off to work we then rang more Grandsire Doubles and Plain Hunt on 7 before finishing. Given the two birthdays a trip to the pub was definitely in order :9

Next practice is in two weeks (again in Bicester) – Cambridge Surprise Minor and Plain Bob Minor… we may need a little help with Cambridge so get those learning caps on 🙂


Kent and Grandsire 20 September 2012

Following the Branch Social and Striking competition in Islip at the weekend on Tuesday 18th Sept 7 ringers returned to Islip this time for the branch special practice. The nominated methods for the evening were Kent TB Minor and Grandsire Triples.

The evening started off well with a successful course of Kent TB Minor – very satisfying. We then rang some plain courses of Grandsire, but not Triples as advertised – only Doubles for AnthonyB. A former learner then appeared having been persuaded to give it another go at the social and seemed to remember rope handling ok so a new ringer hopefully in the making.

We rang another course of Kent (slightly shaky this time towards the end, but we got to the end showing it was not a fluke) and finished with a touch of Grandsire Doubles with AnthonyB being guided by nods from the other ringers and Teresa whispering tips.

Having been expertly engraved by Keith the Clifford East Shield trophy for the Striking Competition was handed to AnthonyC for safe delivery and display in Bicester. We then retired to the Red Lion as the Swan was closed.

Another good evening of ringing and some good socialising too. Next up is the Branch Practice at Bicester on the 1st Oct – hopefully see a good number of ringers there.

Anthony Cole

2012 Social & Striking competition

On Saturday 15th Sept Islip once again hosted the branch social and striking competition. I was keen that a tower team would win this year rather than the branch officers so it was with trepidation that I approached the evening and the number of teams that might turn up. I need not have worried as we had 4 tower teams (up from 2 last year) making for a good competition. Apart from Islip (which fielded a full local team), Bicester, Launton and Charlton teams were made of 50%+ tower members with a few extras to make up the team numbers – some who had not entered a competition before and whilst aprehensive beforehand, found it was actually quite good fun really. Islip rang first ringing Grandsire Doubles, followed by call changes from Launton. Bicester rang Plain Bob Doubles and Charlton rounded off the competition with some more call changes. The standard was very high and few trips were made by any of the teams for the judges (ably performed by Lorna and Brian Curtis from the Witney & Woodstock Branch) to separate us all by.

We all retired to Kathryn’s for a marvellous BBQ and drinks and a good chat. As usual, Kathryn, Teresa, Sally and their team of helpers had done us proud and we had our fill of the main course as day turned to night.

The results of the competition were announced before the puddings which were announced as follows:

4th place – Team B (Launton) – 51%
3rd place – Team A (Islip) – 52 %
2nd place – Team D (Charlton) – 68%
1st place – Team C (Bicester)– 80%.

Lorna presented Anthony & Jeremy with the trophy and champagne which the rest of the Bicester team shared in shortly afterwards. We also offered the champagne around to anyone else who wanted some!

It was a lovely evening with good friends and a little ringing to boot – thoroughly enjoyable and I look forward to the next one 🙂

The competition winners
The competition winners

Launton Branch Practice 3rd September 2012

As the holiday season comes to a close more ringers are around and so it proved at Launton on 3rd Sept when 14 ringers met to ring the lovely light six.

4 Launton ringers were helped by 2 from Bicester, 2 from Ludgershall, 2 from Islip, 3 from Charlton and one from Stratton to ring call changes, Grandsire Doubles plain courses (well done Elaine for ringing treble for first time in many years), a touch of Grandsire, and a rather shaky touch of Plain Bob Doubles. Ringing down was applauded by those stood outside so it must not have been too bad (or maybe they were glad we had finished). A lovely sunny evening of ringing at the smallest tower in the branch.

Next is the branch social in Islip on the 15th – tickets still available – contact Kathryn, Teresa or Anthony.

Anthony Cole

Caversfield Doubles 20th August 2012

On Monday 20th August 6 ringers from the north end of the branch met for the first practice at Caversfield for many years. The methods we concentrated on were Plain Bob Doubles (rang superbly) and Stedman Doubles (technically a ‘principle’, not a ‘method’) which we had far more difficulty with (partly as one of our number was ringing Stedman Minimus!).. but eventually (and to Jane’s pleasure as that was her aim for the evening) we succeeded in ringing that a number of times without mistakes.

I would say it was nice to let the village hear Caversfield’s bells, but as the church is outside the village I shall have to settle for enjoying ringing the lovely 5 bells and that perhaps someone might have heard us.

Next practice is at cosy Launton on 4th Sep, and then we have the branch social, bbq and striking competition on Sat 15th Sep in Islip.. tickets available from Teresa, Kathryn or Anthony. If last year is anything to go by it will be a fun evening.. and let’s see if we can get a tower band to beat the branch officers who won last year 🙂

Anthony Cole