Warm reception on freezing Otmoor

On Wednesday 5th Dec 9 branch ringers (3 from Charlton, 2 Islip, 2 Launton, 1 Stratton, 1 Bicester) banded together on a freezing night for a Branch Practice on the lovely bells (and warm tower) of Charlton On Otmoor.

We started with some plain hunt following Anne’s recent attendance at the Steeple Aston course, and it was clear she was learning fast. We rang some plain courses of Grandsire Doubles with Anne watching the 2 and then Anne had a go at that – and was solid as a rock (unlike the ringers around her who made mistakes!) Great work Anne 🙂

Sally was persuaded to try the observation bell for a touch of Grandsire Doubles and by the end of the evening had managed that twice (with a little help from her friends).

Jean seemed uncertain with the treble to Grandsire, but proved more than able to ring it which was encouraging.

Mary had a go at plain courses of Grandsire Doubles and managed well too.

We had a go at a plain course of Plain Bob Minor which we eventually got through – not one of the things they are able to ring regularly so it was pleasing to get through it.

Our last ring was some plain hunting on 6 with a few ringers attempting it for the first time (Anne & Jean) – success once again!

Ringing down was not brilliant, but it was a practice night and Anne wasn’t confident. However, she was able to follow the treble down fairly well, getting back into place a couple of times which is a useful skill to perfect.

So, a thoroughly useful and enjoyable practice – my thanks to those who helped out too 🙂 The pub was equally warm and inviting afterwards before the trek back over the frozen moor.

Last practice of the year is at Bicester on Monday 17th December … with mince pies and sausage rolls if I can find some time to cook/shop. Looking forward to it 🙂