Bicester Branch Striking Competition 2024

After an initial postponement, due to a clash of events, the competition was rather hastily rescheduled for 21st September, at Islip. Kathryn Grant offered to host the BBQ in her garden, which is very close to the church.

Steady rain from early morning threatened to put the dampers on proceedings, literally. However, by around 3pm the rain had stopped, the clouds started clearing and the sun came out. By 6pm there was hardly a cloud in the sky, so chairs and tables were put out in the garden and the barbecue was fired up.

Then the main event (the actual striking competition, not the BBQ) started. The change of date had, unfortunately, meant that some towers were unable to enter a full team, but with a little bit of jiggling around, we managed to add a further three teams to the three already put forward (which were Islip A and B teams, and Kirtlington). The additions were a Youth Team, Bicester United, and a scratch team to give Islip’s newest recruit, 12-year-old Felix, a chance to have a go (at the time of the competition, he’d only just started to ring rounds and call changes on his own).

Each team rang either Grandsire Doubles, Bob Doubles or Call Changes and the ringing was pretty even for all teams.

Hugh Deam and Maarit Kivilo very kindly agreed to be the judges and were very kind with their après-ringing comments too. The placings were nail-bitingly close, but Islip B team was judged to be the overall winner.

The final result was:

Islip B78%
Youth Team76%
Bicester Utd70%
Islip A66.5%
Scratch team (with Felix)55%
Kirtlington 45%

The International Space Station went over the garden just as Hugh
was announcing the results. One wonders if they managed to get a photo of the occasion.

Around 25 ringers and guests enjoyed a veritable feast of burgers,
hot dogs, salads and puddings. Everyone enjoyed the evening, and it was nice to have a relaxing, sociable time, under a starry sky, once the stress of the competition was over.

Many thanks to Kathryn for hosting the BBQ.

Teresa Carter

Branch Calendar at-a-Glance

…to December 2023

Date Location Event Note
Mon 13.3.23  All  Commonwealth Day – 10th Anniversary  
Mon 20.3.23 Kirtlington Branch Practice 7.30 – 9pm
Thu 13.4.23 Weston on-the-Green  Branch Practice 7.30 – 9pm
Sat 15.4.23 Various Radley course  
Sat 15.4.23  BedfordshireBranch outing  
Sun 23.4.23 All St George’s Day   
Sun 23.4.23BletchingdonRaising & Lowering2.30 – 4pm
Wed 3.5.23PiddingtonBranch Practice7.30-9pm
Sat 6.5.23 All Coronation Ringing  
Sun 14.5.23 Bell Sunday 
Sat 20.5.23  BroadwellGuild AGM   
Mon 22.05.23 Brill  Branch Practice   7.30 – 9pm
Wed 7.6.23 Middleton Stoney  Branch Practice 7.30 – 9pm
Sat 8.7.23Christ ChurchGuild Festival 
Tue 25.7.23 Woodeaton  Branch Practice     7.30 – 9pm
Wed 9.8.23 Launton  Branch Practice 7.30 – 9pm
Sat 2.9.23 Tbd  Striking competition  
Fri 22.9.23  Ludgershall  Branch Practice 7.30 – 9pm
Tue 17.10.23 Islip  Branch Practice 7.30 – 9pm
Wed 8.11.23  Stratton Audley Branch Practice 7.30 – 9pm
Wed 22.11.23 Bletchingdon Branch Practice Doubles and Minor? 
Wed 6.12.23 Charlton-on-Otmoor  Branch Practice   7.30 – 9pm
Mon 18.12.23 Kirtlington Xmas Special Practice  

Branch Practice at Weston, 2nd September 2021

A very creditable 13 ringers from five towers came to tonight’s branch practice at Weston-on-the-Green, kindly hosted by Gerald and Andy.

For many it was their first visit since the improvements had been completed to the ringing chamber ceiling and to the rope circle, if not their first visit altogether. It is now a very welcoming space and should be the location for many quarter peals in future.

We are very sorry that Mandy, Jeremy and Richard couldn’t join us, due to needing to self-isolate.

After ringing up we rang some rounds and call changes with Dinah, who is learning at Islip and who appreciated visiting another tower and meeting other ringers.

We rang several plain courses of Grandsire doubles, called by Charlie and Teresa, as well as plain hunt on five, with Andy showing that he hasn’t forgotten how to ring the three to it. Well done Andy.

Some more rounds and call changes for Dinah, then we managed to complete a plain course of Bob Minor at the third attempt, with James on treble and Willie rolling back the years taking two. Kathryn, despite strong reservations, also showed it could be done on four, Teresa on three and Charlie on five.

Finally, we attempted to ring the front five down in peal, where Andy kept behind the treble very nicely. I hope to see more of our Weston friends at Bletchingdon, Islip and Kirtlington in future!

Please don’t forget to put our next branch practice on 29th September at Middleton Stoney in your diaries. See you then!

Steve Vickars
2nd September 2021

2021 AGM Documents

The documents relevant to the 2021 Bicester Branch AGM are available on this post for download prior to the meeting at 2.30 pm Saturday 13th February 2021.

Branch Practice at Islip 7th January 2020

St Nicholas, Islip

A very healthy 18 ringers from seven towers came to the first Branch Practice of 2020 at Islip on the 7th January, including two new recruits from Charlton, who got a number of goes at handling practice.

In charge were Richard and Jeremy our Ringing Masters, who were keen to get all eight bells going as much as possible, so we started with Plain Hunt on seven with Mandy, Andrew and Gerald from Weston and Chris and Jane from Bicester.

From there we rang a number of rounds and call changes on eight for our less experienced ringers, then a number of plain courses of Grandsire Doubles, with Judith inside and Sue covering. Gerald and Andrew had turns at ringing the 2 to these

After more rounds and call changes, we rang a touch of Grandsire Doubles, again with Judith inside and Sue covering, Faye, Jeremy and Teresa supporting.

More rounds and call changes followed, with a couple of plain courses of Plain Hunt on five, then a plain course of Plain Bob Minor for our helpers and Sue trebling, assisted by Judith.

A full practice again, with very encouraging numbers.  Hope to see lots of you at the next Branch Practice at Bicester on 21st January.

Special Practice at Kirtlington 16th December 2019

Thirteen ringers from four branches came to our final Special Practice of 2019 at Kirtlington, led by Richard, our joint ringing master supported by Kathryn, Malcolm, Clare, Charles and Rachel, Ron and Jane Burgess.
We welcomed Elaine from Ludgershall for the first time to Kirtlington tower, and Jane from Bicester, returning after four decades.
After raising in peal, we rang rounds and call changes for Elaine, Fay and Jane, then an attempted touch of Stedman Triples, which we tried at a later point, getting a little further.
 Next we rang a plain course of Bob Triples for Charlie inside, with some nice striking.
After some more rounds and call changes we rang a nice touch of Grandsire Triples, called by Charles, Kathryn Grant trebling.
Next up we rang a reasonably well-struck plain course of Bob Major, for Charlie to treble to. Well done, Charlie!
As Cambridge was on the billing (and quite a few of our helpers were hoping to get a chance to ring it), we attempted Cambridge Major, which unfortunately fired out after 1 and a half leads.
After some nicely struck call changes we then made a fair attempt at spliced Plain and Little Bob Major, with Charlie trebling again, getting a reasonable way through.
Our second attempt of Stedman Triples was followed by a completed touch of Grandsire Triples, called by Richard with Kathryn inside, with the practice ending in some rounds on eight.
An enjoyable Practice, with a big thank you to Richard for leading us and our helpers from near and further afield who enabled us to ring a good range of methods on 7 and 8.
 A very merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you all.
Hope to see lots of you at the first Branch Practice of 2020 at Islip on the 7th of January.

Branch Practice at Charlton 5th December 2019

Thirteen ringers came to last night’ practice at Charlton on Otmoor, including four of the Charlton team. Besides Willie Haynes el Presidente, last night’s proceedings were led by Richard and Jeremy, with Kathryn and Anne helping ring methods inside. It was good to see the Weston team out in force, as well as Sue from Islip seeking to gain trebling practice. A good number indeed, aiming to restore the sound of Charton’s fine bells to the village.

After ringing up the team rang a set of call changes on all six, effectively Plain Hunt on six, then a plain course of Bob Minor, Sue trebling. We rang sets of Plain Hunt doubles for the Charlton and Weston teams, then touches of Plain Bob Doubles and Grandsire Doubles for Sue to Treble to.

Marking the progress that the Weston team has made in the past year, we were able to ring plain courses of Bob Doubles with Mandy, Gerald and Andrew taking turns to ring treble. Andrew also enjoyed ringing the stately tenor to one of the courses. Well done to them!

More call changes followed as well touches of Grandsire Doubles and an attempted touch of Reverse Canterbury Doubles.

Thank you all for coming. Hope to see lots of you at the final Special Practice of 2019 on 16th December at Kirtlington (Cambridge Surprise Minor and St Clements Bob Minor on the menu – or whatever we can achieve), then the final Christmas social also at Kirtlington on 23rd December.

Special Practice at Weston on-the-Green 21st November 2019

Seven ringers attended this month’s special practice at Weston, including a very welcome appearance by Tony Crabtree, visiting the tower to advise on planned improvements to the ring of bells.

Proceedings were led by Jeremy Adams with support from Teresa Carter and Faye. The local Weston ringers were in attendance of course, and the ringing menu was structured around them: being Plain Hunt on 5 and plain courses of Grandsire.

We also had Barbara, a potential new recruit from Weston, come to see what ringing was about and who had a try at backstroke. She was not put off by the experience!
Our next practice is on 5th December at Charlton on Otmoor. Hope to see lots of you there!

Branch Practice 6th November 2019 at Bletchingdon

St Giles, Bletchingdon
Seventeen ringers came to last night’s Branch Practice at Bletchingdon, a very encouraging number. El presidente Willie was there in good form, together with Jeremy and Richard.
We were also joined by a full Weston contingent.
For Margie we rang rounds and as our number included several keen to practice Plain Hunt, we rang several courses of Plain Hunt Doubles, followed by plain courses of Grandsire Doubles, giving Gus, Brenda, Andrew, Mandy and Gerald opportunities to ring treble, two and tenor.
We also rang some plain courses of Bob Doubles for Sue.
For Tim, Judith, Faye and Anne we rang some touches of Grandsire Doubles, including a different 80 blow touch.
Finally we rang a couple of touches of Plain Bob Minor, the first with Faye trebling, the second Sue M trebled, gaining a real sense of accomplishment.
A very full practice and great to see so many from the Branch and outside.
Hope to see lots of you at this month’s special practice in 21st November at Weston on the Green.