10-4 Bletchingdon Nov 2016

Bellringing (Campanology) is often thought of as an old man’s hobby, at least by the non-ringer. However, last night proved anything but with 10 women and only 4 men attending. As a branch most towers have the same of each gender or more female ringers than male.

By the time we had enough to ring up at the Bletchingdon branch practice on Wed 2 Nov I was feeling a little outnumbered as the only male present! However, that ratio improved as the evening progressed.

After a rough “up” we started with call changes and then followed it with plain hunt and plain courses of Grandsire Doubles. The evening progressed with more of each of these, visible (and auditory) progress being made in the plain hunt.

Mike (tower captain of Launton) caused a little consternation with the Bletchingdon tower captain as she did not know him and he feigned not being a capable ringer.. don’t think she will let him forget that 😀 Ribbing continued throughout the evening!

We managed a touch of Grandsire Doubles (well done Sue ringing half hunt) and after some plain courses of Plain Bob Doubles we also managed a touch of Plain Bob Doubles to consolidate the progress made by two of our members who were fresh from attending the Steeple Aston course on Plain Bob Doubles.

“Down” was actually rather good, despite the apprehension displayed by those catching hold.

The next branch event is on Tues 22nd November at Islip.

Anthony Cole