Stratton handled 6th April 2016

On Wednesday 6th April 16 ringers (8 locals and 8 members from around the branch) attended the branch practice at Stratton Audley – a spectacular turnout compared to previous practices at Stratton Audley!

After ringing up (mixed successes and help for one of the ringers) we rang call changes, Grandsire Doubles (plain courses), plain hunt on 5 and rounds for the most recent local recruit. This pattern repeated itself throughout the evening with various ringers showing how easy it is to get caught out by slightly less easy to ring bells (springy ropes being the main issue).

We ended the evening with a 120 of Grandsire Doubles which, whilst approached with some trepidation by the branch secretary, was not only successful, but rather well struck, as if to prove that it could be done.

As a branch we are fairly well spoiled by our very easily handling bells, but bells such as Stratton Audley should be approached as a challenge to be mastered! The locals manage well and with practice anyone can master them and improve their handling which sets them up well for visiting other towers where the bells might not always be as easy to ring as our towers.

The next branch events is the outing on Sat 23rd April to Herefordshire. The (small) coach is full and I am certainly looking forward to it – full tower details for those wishing to attend but not on the coach will be posted shortly.

Anthony Cole