The Bicester branch are going large and touring the world.. well.. one of our members is anyway, and ringing where there are bells.
Ian’s most recent trip has led him to Calgary, Canada from where he writes:
I went ringing Xmas eve after work and again yesterday, Christmas morning. The Calgary ringers are really friendly and I was made to feel very welcome. They had had a busy day Christmas eve, with 3 services to ring for but I was only able to make it for the last one at 9.45 pm. There were 7 of us in the end and we rang some touches of plain bob minor and doubles and a touch of grandsire doubles too. I was able to ring inside for plain bobs and rang the tenor behind for grandsire. Call changes are called the other way round here and I managed to get completely lost!
Christmas morning saw us ring all 8 of the Calgary bells, with some very nicely struck rounds and call changes – I managed to grab the tenor so as not to mess things up! We also had a couple of good attempts at touches of plain bob doubles and successfully rang plain course of plain bob minor.
Hoping to ring again on Sunday weather permitting, ringing only gets cancelled when it drops below -20!
Christ Church in Calgary has a ring of 8 bells (8-2-0 in Bb).
Keep an eye open for the next instalment of Ian’s World Tour..