Major at Bicester

On Monday 6th October Bicester hosted the October branch practice. 11 ringers came along from as far afield as Buckingham boosting what we would be able to ring.

We started by ringing up the front 6 and then Samuel rang the treble to plain hunt on 5. We then rang up the back 4 and rang plain hunt on 7 and then 8.

Next we rang a plain course of Grandsire Triples before moving up to ringing call changes on 10.

Next we rang one of the methods Ian wanted to try – a plain course of Plain Bob Major.. no problems so perhaps a quarter peal is his next target?

We rang a touch of Plain Bob Doubles for Steve and then attempted a touch of Grandsire Triples.. miscalled by me.. whoops.. in my defence I rarely get to ring even plain courses so not entirely surprised!  We tried again and got it the second time.

We rang some more plain hunt on 8 before attempting Kent Treble Bob Minor.. Ian’s first attempt.. we got just over half way so a good start.

After dropping the treble and two we rang 8 down in peal which was pretty well struck.

A visit to the pub followed for some but sadly I had to get Samuel home to bed… school night!