Grandsire practice Bletchingdon Sept 2014

On Wednesday 17th Sept Bletchingdon hosted a special Grandsire Doubles practice.  9 ringers came along to supplement the 4 regulars.

We started off with plain courses of Grandsire Doubles and some call changes for those not able to ring methods yet. We then progressed to bob only touches with Sue observation.

A few more plain courses followed and more call changes before putting Tim and Anne through the observation bell touch and Jean and Ernie through more plain courses. The ringing down could have been better but everyone seemed to have found it a useful practice and a good number were able to try something a little harder than usual which is the best way of learning and just what these practices are for.

The next branch event is the striking competition and bbq at Islip on Friday 26th Sept. Do please come along for a fun social event with a ringing competition shoehorned on. Do let Kathryn know if you are coming so appropriate amounts of food can be prepared.

Anthony Cole