Steeple Aston course 2011

The annual Steeple Aston course involved a number of towers in the Bicester branch on Sat 29th Oct. The 4 groups were learning different methods an Bicester hosted one of the Triples & Major teaching sessions. Given there are 10 bells at Bicester the tutors took the opportunity to ring plain hunt on 9, before ringing Plain Bob Triples, Grandsire Triples (including touches 🙂 ) and Plain Bob Major. Lovely to have some more advanced ringing, and give us something to aim for.

Charlton on Otmoor and Islip were also involved – anyone involved care to contribute a write up on those sessions too?

3 Replies to “Steeple Aston course 2011”

  1. I was one of the helpers at the morning session of those learning Plain Hunt and thought the 6 learners’ enthusiasm was contagious. The 1 1/2 hour session started with rounds so everyone got the feel of the bells and then the helpers rang Bistow or Bastow so that the learners got used to ringing to 2nds place first of all and subsequently to 3rds place and so on. A very good way of teaching I thought.

  2. Just to add that Bletchingdon was also involved from the Bicester branch. The four groups covered:

    – Plain Hunt
    – Bob Doubles & minor
    – Grandsire Doubles
    – Triples & Major

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