At a showery evening showery four ringers at a time gathered for the April Branch Practice at Stratton Audley. Perhaps it was the combination of inclement weather, a much publicised UEFA Champions League Quarter Final match, or the challenging bells at Stratton Audley (not so challenging as some might have you believe), that numbers were low.
The first shift included our Ringing and Deputy Ringing Masters, Ann Martin and Alison from Stratton Audley, ringing Plain Hunt for Alison. I joined the group just before Alison went home. We then proved that even four can have fun at methods by firstly ringing a few plain courses of Plain Bob Minimus and then Stedman on four (Treble hunting up, making 6 blows behind, down to lead again; the other three bells do the front work, followed by 6 blows behind), with everyone having at least one turn on a working bell.
Good luck to Ann and Ellie who will be going on the Radley course Saturday 7th to do Plain Bob Minor.
Our next event is the Branch Outing on 21st April, starting at 10am at Drayton. Hope to see you then!
Steve Vickars