13 ringers from 7 towers and 3 branches attended last night’s Special Practice at Bletchingdon. First up, we concluded Rory’s handling session with him ringing rounds and call changes in the team. Well done Rory.
Next we rang some plain courses of Grandsire doubles for Jean, Hilary and Ann, followed by a few plain courses of Plain Bob Doubles for Judith and Sue. For Brenda, Derek and Rosemarie we rang a number of courses of Plain Hunt on 5, emphasising places. All did well.
After a touch of Grandsire involving Ann, Jan, Jeremy, covered by Brenda and called by Richard, we attempted a touch of Plain Bob Minor, but unfortunately weren’t quite strong enough.
With Brenda, Derek, Ernie and Rosemarie in the band we rang Kaleidoscope Mexican Wave, each dodging with the neighbouring bell.
Finally we rang a few plain courses of Bob Doubles with Sue and Judith inside, as well as another few courses of Grandsire for Jean, Hilary and Tim.
Next Branch Practice is at Stratton Audley on 4th April. Hope to see lots of you there.
Eleven ringers from seven towers came to tonight’s branch practice at Kirtlington, including Willie our president, Jeremy Adams, ringing master and Kathryn Grant secretary, the band further strengthened by the arrival of Richard Hazeldine.
Ron Burgess also came with Derek, who started ringing only 7 weeks ago and is now ringing rounds and call changes with teams of six and eight. We also included Derek in a reducing rounds exercise, which practices standing at hand stroke as well as pulling off ahead of heavier bells when building back up to full rounds.
We rang for our first method Plain Bob doubles plain courses, Sue on 3, Judith on tenor, both nicely rung.
Richard called a number of mini- touches of Plain Bob Minor (3 consecutive bobs), in which the lightest 3 just rang Plain Hunt on 6, while the heaviest rang alternate 5/6 down, 5/6 up and made bob. Judith and Sue alternated on treble, Ellie ringing 3.
As Ellie will be ringing her first quarter this weekend, we rang a touch of Bob Doubles, Ellie on 3, Judith on tenor.
We were then encouraged to ring Plain hunt on 7, then on 8, albeit a bit crunchy, then for Stu we rang Little Bob Minor, Judith trebling.
Finally, a ‘boy-band’ of Willie, Jeremy, Ron, Richard, Steve and Stu rang a plain course of Bob Minor on the back 6 before we rang all 8 down in Peal.
All in all a great practice with something for everyone. Best of luck to Ellie in her Quarter on Sunday.
Well done and thanks to all for attending. Hopefully see lots of you at this month’s special practice on 17th October at Islip.
In contrast to last year’s washout, 2nd September was a fine late summer evening.
Three teams from different towers in the Bicester Branch assembled from 5.30 at Islip, who were hosting this year’s event. Last year’s champions Bicester were unable to field a team, and a new team: Kirtlington/Bletchingdon had thrown down the challenge to the two other experienced teams: Ludgershall and Islip, who had won the competition several times in the recent past. The hosts had also implemented a cunning plan to change the bell ropes a few days before the competition.
Each of the competing teams was allowed three minutes practice, then stand, followed by ringing the treble. The scored elements consisted of one minute of rounds going straight into a 120 touch of a method or set of call changes, aiming to complete the set within 5 minutes.
First to ring was the band of Ludgershall, with highly experienced and skilful ringers. The shield was theirs to lose as they chose to ring a 120 change touch of Plain Bob Doubles
Next were the newcomers, Kirtlington, three of whom had never been in a striking competition. The team rang the set of Ely call changes.
Finally it was Islip’s turn to showcase their skills. After their minute of rounds the team rang four plain courses of Grandsire Doubles.
Hugh Deam, Judy and Paulina made up the judging panel, and while marking fairly and scrupulously, very much entered into the relaxed spirit of the occasion. Our President, Willie Haynes undertook the role of steward.
After completing their striking the teams repaired to Sally Wale’s house, Sally having very kindly opened her house and gardens for the ringers and associated parties. There was a barbecue expertly managed by Peter (a specially imported Australian for the occasion), a plentiful selection of fine desserts and a well-stocked drinks table.
When everyone was suitably refreshed, the judges announced their deliberations. The winning team was Ludgershall, achieving scores of 90% and 80% for rounds and method sections, respectively. The team won a bottle of champagne, the promise of receiving the competition shield from the outgoing champions, and the opportunity to represent the branch at the Guild Striking competition.
Islip were a close second, achieving the highest score (82%) for the method section, but a lower score (84%) for rounds.
The new team, Kirtlington in the words of Branch President “did not disgrace themselves by any means” and achieved 88% in rounds, however it incurred additional penalties late on in the call changes section.
Ludgershall: Richard Haseldine, Jan Haseldine, Anne Martin, Jill Bailey, Andy Windmill, Jeremy Adams
Islip: Teresa Carter, Kathryn Grant, Sally Wale, Ricky Shaw, James Carter, Mike MacArthur,
Kirtlington: Steve Vickars, Judith Vickars, Caroline Cater, Ernie Cannings, Kathryn Grant, Jeremy Adams
Band A (Ludgershall) – Rounds 90% Method / Changes 80% (1)
Band C (Islip) – Rounds 84% Method / Changes 82% (2)
Band B (Kirtlington/Bletchingdon) – Rounds 88% Method / Changes 70% (3)
– Band A: rounds 1 min 5 sec, rest 4 min 50 sec;
– Band B: rounds 1 min 0 sec, rest 7 min 8 sec;
– Band C: rounds 1 min 2 sec, rest 4 min 36 sec.
The winning team receiving their prize
Ludgershall receiving their prize
The competition judges
The judging party discussing detailed rules with Kirtlington
On Monday 15th May Bicester hosted the May Special practice. The nominated methods were Little Bob Minor and Grandsire Triples. 11 branch ringers attended making it quite an interesting practice.
First we rang up the back 6 (hoping we would get enough to ring triples) and then we rang up the front 4.
We rang plain courses of Grandsire Doubles for Helen before trying the first of the nominated methods – Little Bob Minor – we managed two plain courses without any trouble 🙂
A few more ringers arrived making it posible to ring 8 bells so we rang plain hunt on 7 and then 8. Feeling we had a good chance of managing it, we attempted plain courses of Grandsire Triples – and managed two courses successfully.
At this point I thought we could actually manage even more advanced ringing, but before we tried that Simon and Amanda arrived making us 11. Whilst they caught their breath from the climb up the tower we rang a touch of Grandsire Doubles with Helen half-hunt and Jeremy calling, again successfully .. nothing was going to stop us it seems 🙂
Time for the 10! We rang plain hunt on 9..shaky at first and then the striking improved as we rang more courses.
Time to push out the boat .. Plain Bob Major.. a few nervous faces and one jibe about bets on how far we would would get.. we only had time for one attempt before Steve had to head off to work, but that was all we needed 🙂 All the way through (with a few pointers) and a very pleased band!
We had time for some more plain hunt on 7 and 8 before ringing the back 8 down in peal (rather well struck too!)
An excellent last special practice for Sarah and I, but we still have one more branch event before we move north of the border. Hopefully see some of you at the practice at Middleton Stoney on Wed 7th June.
Eleven members of Bicester Branch arrived at the first tower, Freeland, a light ring of 6 (3 cwt tenor) which proved to some of us to have a rather elusive entrance. Freeland is where Anthony Cole was Tower Captain a while ago. A recent refurb of the bells and relocation of the clock has freed up space to the ringing chamber, which, when found, is still a snug space, but with room for four non-ringers to sit.
We rang touches of Bob Doubles, Grandsire Doubles and Bob Minor, plus plain courses of Reverse Canterbury. I tried my first call unaffected of plain bob Doubles, but needed quite a lot of prompting from Anthony. Practice makes perfect…
On to our next church, North Leigh. This is a beautiful small church with some fascinating architecture, including a fan-vaulted ceiling, rarely found in a parish church. In contrast to Freeland, North Leigh’s ringing chamber is very spacious, appearing to have room for two more ropes. This is where Anthony learned to ring. Needless to say, Anthony’s name is on a number of peal boards on the walls. Again, we rang touches of plain bob and Grandsire Doubles including a version involving successive calls of singles. Sam trebled to a couple of touches.
Back to Freeland for lunch at the Yeoman pub, then suitably refreshed, we went to Witney our third tower. Witney church is large and bears the hallmarks of historic wool town prosperity, one example being a gallery surrounding the ringing chamber and a fine ring of eight (16 cwt tenor). Conscious that the tower captain may be listening to us from a nearby coffee shop, we limited our ambitions to Plain Hunt on 7, a passable couple of plain courses of Grandsire Triples and call changes on 8.
Onto the fourth tower, Ducklington, which unfolds its historic charm as you progress further into the village, where the church lies next to the village duck pond and old school house. Ducks were in attendance in the churchyard, naturally, and we had to keep the church door shut to keep them out.
We seem to have embarked on a tour of the Cole family ringing roots, as Ducklington was Sarah’s first tower. The ring is light and improvements have been made to the ringing chamber, with a balcony giving space to non-ringers.
Here we rang Grandsire plain courses and touches, Sarah called a touch affected of Bob Doubles and we had some more Reverse Canterbury.
Anthony also gave Penny Wood a back stroke handling lesson.
And then to Yarnton, our final tower of 6 bells, with the heaviest ring of the day, whose tenor weighs in at 21 cwt. The bells met with approval of several of the ringers, including also fond reminiscences of ‘proper ringing’ in the days before this peal was rehung , when the bells were on plain bearings and the ringing chamber was on the ground floor with a long draught without guide holes.
Anyway, the modern day pampered ringers warmed up to Plain Hunt on 5 and 6, some plain courses of Bob Minor (giving Anthony the chance to heave the tenor about), more touches of Grandsire and plain bob doubles, including another attempt by the author to call unaffected, better but just forgot to say ‘that’s all’ at the right point.
Penny also had another back stroke handling lesson, showing commendable technique.
All in all, a very pleasant day’s ringing outing, thanks to Jeremy Adams’ excellent organisation.
At the end, before the team photo, I spoke to two German tourists outside the church. What little they knew about change ringing was that it can often have fatal consequences, based on viewing episodes of Midsomer Murders 😉
On Wednesday 5th April Stratton Audley welcomed 11 branch ringers from 5 branch towers.
Despite trepidation from some, we did manage to ring the bells fairly well once folk got used to the ring springy ropes. We started with a touch Grandsire Doubles and then rang plain hunt on 5. Next was a touch of Plain Bob Doubles followed by more plain hunt. Bill managed a touch of Grandsire Doubles later in the evening and we finished with two (rather well struck) plain courses of Reverse Canterbury before ringing down and heading to the pub. During the evening there was a discussion about the possibility of one person ringing two bells (not sure who brought that up, but Jeremy declined so I stepped up and showed that it was possible, and thus there wasn’t anything wrong with the bells). A video will be posted if Debbs can get it to me!
The next branch event is the Branch Outing on Sat 22nd April. Do please come along if you can – promises to be a good day of ringing in the Witney & Woodstock branch – see Branch Outing details for details, and please let Jeremy know if you are coming so he can book a place for your lunch.
On Wednesday 15th March Bletchingdon welcomed 15 ringers from across the Bicester and Witney & Woodstock branches to focus efforts on Grandsire and Plain Bob Doubles.
We started with plain courses of Grandsire Doubles before moving on to plain hunt on 5 and 6 (well done Sue for first attempt on 6). We then tried a touch of Grandsire but that didn’t go quite to plan.
We next had a go at Plain Bob Doubles (plain courses) and then more plain hunt on 5 & 6.
More Grandsire and Plain Bob Doubles followed and more plain hunt for Sue. We managed a touch of Plain Bob Doubles (well done Stephen and Steve inside, and Judith on the treble) and a further touch of Grandsire (well done Steve).
We finished with a shaky but successful touch of Plain Bob Minor (with Singles.. thanks Fay for suggesting Singles :D), and a fairly good down.
Next on our schedule is the branch practice on Wed 5th April at Stratton Audley – see you there!
On Monday 6th March Kirtlington hosted the March branch practice. We started with just six ringers from Bicester and Kirtlington, but were soon joined by Jan and Richard from Ludgershall and Stephen from Charlton. After some call changes on 8, Judy and Hugh made our number up to 11. We did call changes and several variations of plain hunt on 5 through to 8, mostly very reasonable, including a variant, called “churchyard bob”.
We rang a fairly well struck touch of Grandsire Doubles and two plain courses of Plain Bob Triples, before we were joined by the newly installed rector of Kirtlington Gareth, who very gamely had a go at ringing back stroke. We hope to see Gareth again soon and maybe we’ll see his name on a peal board in the tower, emulating clerical ringers of yore 🙂
After ringing down all 8 in peal, some of us repaired to the Dashwood for a well earned drink.