Kirtlington 7

Friday 5th August was the Kirtlington branch practice. Unfortunately there isn’t a local band, but 7 branch members came over to remind the village that the church has a lovely set of bells, some dating back to the 1700s!

We rang Plain Bob Doubles & Grandsire Doubles. We then had a visit from some non-ringing who were staying in the hotel, heard the bells and came to investigate. We demonstrated with Plain Bob Minor and explained what we do – maybe they’ll be interested enough to go to their local towers when they get back to Kent and Australia!

We eventually managed a touch of Plain Bob Minor before successfully ringing a touch of Revere Canterbury Doubles which we having been working up to recently – satisfying to be making some progress – well done everyone 🙂

Recent lull

The most recent Branch Practice (Stratton Audley) and Special Practice (Plain Bob and Grandsire Doubles at Bicester) have been poorly attended (3 and 4 people respectively). Whilst this is disappointing for those who turned up and were unable to ring, we must accept this is a voluntary hobby.

I would like to encourage ringing readers to come to Kirtlington on Friday 5th August – a lovely 8 that doesn’t get rung much these days as there isn’t a local band. Hopefully see many of you there – visitors very welcome!

Anthony Cole
Joint Ringing Master

June Grandsire practice

What a good practice! 14 ringers turned up (mostly) primed to ring Grandsire Doubles & Triples. We had lots of plain courses of Grandsire Doubles, a couple of plain courses of Grandsire Triples and then (in what must be a first for several years) a 168 change touch of Grandsire Triples! Also Jane tried the observation bell for Grandsire Doubles & Ernie tried the 2 for plain courses of Grandsire Doubles. We also rang plain hunt on 7. A useful teaching session that will hopefully move folk on a little and my thanks to all the helpers standing behind the less experienced ringers.

Special practice dates for the diary 2011

Due to some quite variable attendance at the monthly Bicester Triples & Major practices the format has been changed. The new special practices will alternate between Bicester and Islip, on the 3rd Monday or Tuesday each month. Whilst all types of ringing will be provided, I am going to concentrate on a different method or methods each month so everyone will have something to look up and challenge them. For those trying to learn a particular method please I hope these will also provide a useful teaching resource. The dates/methods for the coming year are thus:

Tuesday 21st June Islip Grandsire Doubles & Triples
Monday 18th July Bicester Plain Bob and Grandsire Doubles
Tuesday 16th August Islip Plain Bob Minor
Monday 19th September Bicester Plain Bob and Stedman Doubles
Tuesday 18th October Islip Plain Bob and Grandsire Triples
Monday 21st November Bicester Plain Bob and Reverse Canterbury Doubles
Tuesday 20th December Islip St Nicholas & Grandsire Triples
Monday 16th January 2012 Bicester Plain Bob Minor & St Simon’s Doubles
Tuesday 21st February Islip Plain Bob Major & Stedman Doubles
Monday 19th March Bicester Kent TB Minor & Grandsire Triples
Tuesday 17th April Islip Plain Bob Triples & April Day Doubles
Monday 21st May Bicester Reverse Canterbury Doubles & Plain Bob Major

June Branch Practice

On a lovely sunny evening in Middleton Park the Branch Practice at Middleton Stoney came as a surprise to the local band who had not realised it was a branch practice, but together with 10 ringers from 4 other branch towers we rang lots of plain hunt, Grandsire Doubles, Plain Bob Minor and Reverse Canterbury.

May triples practice cancelled

Due to a clash with something on in the church the May Triples practice at Bicester was reluctantly cancelled. We were only told less than 3 hours before the practice but we did contact as many as we could, so hope that no-one made a wasted trip.

In place of it (with just a select few Bicester ringers) we held an impromptu handbell practice in Caversfield, ringing tunes and attempting plain hunt on 6 (more practice required!!). Whilst we were all very rusty, fun was had by all (plus a few beers helped the evening along) 🙂

May Branch Practice

13 ringers from 7 towers met at Islip on Tuesday evening for the Branch Practice. Ringing focused on plain courses of Plain Bob Doubles, and call changes on 8, but we did manage plain courses of Grandsire Triples, and Reverse Canterbury Pleasure Bob Doubles – we shall perhaps try the bobs in Reverse Canterbury next month – Kathryn admitted she knew them so just need couple more to learn them 🙂 Visitors from Yarnton noted at the end that it was a very useful practice for them.

Royal Wedding 2011 ringing

Everyone viewing the wonderful Royal Wedding (congratulations William and Catherine) will have heard the lovely sound of Westminster Abbey’s 30cwt ring of 10 (and even seen footage taken above the bells whilst they were ringing). The band at Westminster Abbey rang Stedman Caters before the wedding, and a peal of 5040 Spliced Surprise Royal (Bristol and London No. 3) after the wedding – this took 3hrs 14mins.

I have not yet heard of any ringing in the Bicester branch to commemorate this event, but I will post details if anyone has any (please add a comment to this page and I will add it to this article).

Bicester Branch Outing report

Eleven bellringers joined in the Bicester Branch Spring outing arranged by Anthony Cole.  We were disappointed that Samuel and Grace Cole weren’t also part of the party as they tend to write the more entertaining reports of our outings but glad that their absence meant that Sarah Cole was able to do more ringing than on recent occasions!

However the first ring at all Saints, Middleton Cheney nearly caused all those present to call it a day immediately – the heavy bells and rather springy ropes challenged most of us but, undaunted, we then rang the lighter bells at Chacombe before relaxing over lunch at the George & Dragon – a great find!

At the enjoyable ground floor ring of Cropredy we discovered that our audience had contained Prunella Scales and Timothy West – an inversion of the more normal status quo!  Those in the non-ringing party (including the three canine members) were able to enjoy the sun and a local bookfair before we left for Mollington and a, thankfully, light six.

It was especially good to have our Branch President, the redoubtable Willie Haynes, with us following a bout of ill health. Thank you from all of us, Anthony, for giving everyone a great day – and to those who opened their towers for us.

Kathryn Grant

Outing Group Photo
Group Outing Photo
Ringing at Middleton Cheney
Ringing at Middleton Cheney