Pancake doubles and triples

On Tuesday 4th March (pancake day) 8 ringers from 3 branch towers banded together for the Branch Practice at Islip.

We rang mainly Plain courses of Grandsire Doubles, but as we had 8 ringers we decided to remind Islip that they have 8 bells by ringing up the less used treble and two and rang some nice call changes before finishing.

The Islip ringers hospitality, legendary in the branch, was then in full force with the annual pancake party following the practice, this year at Sally and Richard’s house. We all had our fill of two or three pancakes each and various beverages before the evening draw to a close. Very many thanks to Sally and Richard for opening their home.

The next branch event is the special practice at Bletchingdon (Plain Bob Doubles and Grandsire Doubles) on Wed 19th March. Hopefully see many of you there then.

2014 AGM Weston on the green

The branch AGM for 2014 was held at Weston on the green on the evening of Sat 22nd February. We started with ringing and with the help from some visiting ringers who had heard of our meeting we successfully rang Weston on the green place Doubles, completing my AGM Challenge! We then rang plain courses of Grandsire Doubles and finished with a short touch of Plain Bob Doubles before ringing down.

The service followed ably led by Penny once again – we really must get you to try ringing Penny!!

The branch meeting was held in the church with 13 people present (11 branch members from 7 branch towers, our Guild Steward Colin, and Penny). 5 ringers (2 moving from other guild towers, and 3 new to the guild) were made members of the branch which is good to see as our number has been dwindling in recent years. We have also had a slight change around of branch officers due to one officer moving out of the branch – see the contacts page for details of the new officers. Full minutes of the meeting will be published when we have them.

We then relocated to The Chequers for a lovely pub meal and a chat. A lovely evening with good friends – what could be better?

Next branch event is the branch practice at Islip on Tues 4th March – hopefully see some of you then.

Friday five February 2014

5 fearless ringers braved the wet and windy weather for branch practice at Kirtlington on Friday 7th Feb. We rang on the middle 5, the following methods were attempted Grandsire Doubles, Bob Doubles, Reverse Canterbury, Grandsire Doubles. Ringing was challenging to say the least, made more difficult without a covering tenor. Still it was good to give the bells a ring!

Thanks to Ian for the above report.

The next Branch event is the AGM at Weston on the green on 22nd Feb, 6pm. Please refer to the Branch AGM Agenda, Minutes and sample menu.

St Nicholas at St Nicholas’

On Tuesday 17th January 7 ringers (3 from Islip, 3 from Bicester and one from Charlton) banded together for the special practice at Islip.

After we had rung up (and then John arrived…so sorry you missed ringing up John!) we rang some plain course of Grandsire Doubles. Then after a discussion about one of the ringers desire for stalking Jeremy Paxman we had our first attempt at one of the proposed methods for the evening – St Nicholas Doubles. We tried a few times and made a little bit of progress scraping our way to the end.

Next we had a touch of the other set method of the evening – Plain Bob Minor – not even a hiccup.. So I guess we have mastered that. I will definitely have to arrange a quarter peal for Ian to confirm he has learnt it fully.

We had a touch of Grandsire Doubles with Sally observation (only bobs, twice through) – this worked well and Sally felt more confident so progress 🙂

We had a final go at St Nicholas Doubles and managed it this time so an evening managing to ring all the set methods!

We rang down and went to the Red Lion for refreshments – the Swan was closed again though we weren’t sure if this was due to the flooding in Lower Road or just they didn’t expect anyone. Hopefully by the summer they will be open each week (or at least when we have branch events in Islip!).

The next branch practice is at Kirtlington on Friday 7th February – there isn’t a local band anymore but they are lovely bells so do come along if you are able.

Branch AGM 2014 notice and minutes

Our Branch AGM is on Saturday 22nd February 2014 at Weston on the Green (from 6pm). Copies of last years AGM minutes and the agenda for this year’s meeting are below:

A sample menu for The Chequers is now available – see Chequers example menu. You can order your meal on the night – however, if you can let Kathryn know if you plan to attend that will help with reserving space in the pub.

What a start

On Monday 6th January Bicester hosted the first branch practice of 2014. I had hoped we might get 8, but what a surprise.. 12 ringers! (8 Bicester ringers including a returning to Bicester ringer, 1 from Islip, 1 from Stratton Audley, 1 from Launton and a visitor from Westbury). We rang up the front six and then the back four (a rare event in itself) and then started 2014 with call changes on 10!

We then moved to plain course of Grandsire Doubles and then a touch of Plain Bob Minor. Next we had more plain courses of Grandsire Doubles and then we pushed the boat out and rang plain courses of Grandsire Triples, and the striking wasn’t too bad either. Next we rang a touch of Plain Bob Doubles for SimonW who is back from finishing his degree (welcome back!).

We had a touch of Grandsire Doubles with Anne observation (and a helper whispering behind her) and finished with some more call changes on the 10. Ringing down all 10 in peal would have been a step too far so the trebles were rung down and then we rang down on 8, and whilst it was not perfect, the hum about half way down was definitely a highlight.

Next practice is at Islip on Tuesday 21st January – Plain Bob Minor and St Nicholas Doubles – hope to see many of you there.

Ring bells ring ring ring (Dec 2013)

The branch Christmas social was held at Bicester on Mon 16th December. 7 branch members and one ringer transferring into the branch (yippee) met for mince pies, and some ringing. The nominated methods for this special practice were New Bob Doubles and Grandsire Triples.

Sadly we did not have a band for triples, but we still managed to start with plain courses of New Bob, albeit a little shakily. We then rang plain courses of Grandsire Doubles and then we rang some treble dodging as a prelude to attempting Cambridge Surprise Minor..well to be honest we haven’t tried that for a year or more so it would have been a surprise to get all the way through – we managed about half a course in the end.

We finished with more Grandsire Doubles before ringing down and heading for the pub for the second half of the Christmas social in the Swan Inn.

Merry Christmas everyone and I hope to see many of you in the new year – the first practice is on Monday 6th Jan at Bicester.

Anthony Cole

100th birthday

On Saturday 13th December 1913 ringers from Bicester and the surrounding area formed the Bicester Branch of the Oxford Diocesan Guild of Church Bellringers.

On Friday 13th December 2013 the Bicester Branch celebrated its 100th birthday so it was only right that we mark the occasion in the way bellringers do – with some ringing! Due to the proximity to Christmas many many many of the Bicester Branch ringers were busy, but eventually a band was formed with all ringers living within the Bicester area and a quarter peal of mixed Doubles was rung at Bicester.

Oxford Diocesan Guild
Bicester, Oxon
St Edburg
Friday 13 December 2013 in 46 mins on front 6
1260 Doubles: 780 Grandsire, 480 Plain Bob
1 Jane Singleton
2 Sarah Cole
3 Philip Curtis
4 Jeremy Adams
5 Anthony Cole (C)
6 Ian Smart
Rung to celebrate the centenary of the formation of the Bicester Branch of the Oxford Diocesan Guild of Church Bellringers.

Special congratulations to Ian Smart on accomplishing his first quarter peal.

More ringing on the moor

On Wednesday 4th December Charlton on Otmoor hosted the December branch practice. It was a slow start, but over the course of the evening 8 branch ringers arrived, and those that needed to be bowed into the room were duly welcomed.

We started with plain courses of Grandsire Doubles before trying a touch with Ann ringing observation -not at all bad for a first go at it Ann 🙂

We rang Plain hunt and more Grandsire and then call changes followed by a theory session on how calling “up” changes rather than “down” works. Finally we tried a plain course of Plain Bob Minor.. A little scrappy if I’m honest, but we got there.

No visit to Charlton is complete without a visit to the pub..which has been refitted since I was last there.. Very smart inside now!

Last branch event of the year will be the special practice at Bicester on Mon 16th December.. Mince Pies for those who turn up ;9