On Wed 2nd May a number of the branch drove through the floods (!) to join the local Piddington band for the branch practice. All in all 12 ringers (from 6 branch towers!) rang the 5 very loud bells concentrating on call changes which is the local band speciality. The striking was really good and that is often better than more complicated, but less well struck method! Having said that, we did manage one 120 of Grandsire Doubles which, once it settled, sounded good too 🙂
A thirteenth person was at the practice who was there to see what goes on (but hadn’t rung before) – we couldn’t let him leave without having had a go and he proved very capable of doing the backstroke so hopefully by the time we visit next time he will be a fully fledged member of the Piddington band too 🙂
The locals were very welcoming and obviously have a great laugh at their practices. The evening finished early (just after 8:30pm) as they have to consider the neighbours so there was plenty of time for a visit to the Seven Stars for a couple of rounds of drinks. A lovely evening with great company and definitely worth another visit very soon 🙂