Grand-branch practice-sire

On Tuesday 5th March 9 ringers (1 Launton, 3 Islip, 3 Bicester, 1 Stratton, 1 Woodeaton) went along to Islip for the Branch practice.

We started off with plain hunt on 7 which Anne did really well with πŸ™‚ We then pushed ourselves and rang a couple of courses of Grandsire Triples! (First time in the branch for a while). We then moved on to Grandsire Doubles with Sally ringing the observation bell.. would have been better if the conductor hadn’t thought he was ringing a different bell (how embarrassing – sorry Teresa!) … thanks to Sarah the mistake was discovered and the next attempt was successful.

We rang more plain hunt on 7 (Anne on a different bell) and again Anne did really well. We had another couple of courses of Grandsire Triples with different ringers inside and finished with a course of Stedman Doubles.

All trips to Islip require some apres-ring (if there is such a term) so we headed off to the Swan for some drinks and prawn crackers :9

Next branch event is the special practice (Grandsire Doubles) in Bletchingdon, shortly followed by the branch outing – looking forward to them both πŸ™‚

Kirtlington PLO

“PLO” you say? Palestine Liberation Organisation?? Err.. no. In days gone by when I went on ringing weeks a “PLO” was a “Potential Lock Out” and Friday 1st Feb was one of those. 7 ringers met at Kirtlington with instructions that we should get the key from the church warden as the tower correspondent was away. Unfortunately when I visted the church wardens house she was not at home either! We stood by the church gates and chatted (whilst some rapid phone calls were made), and were just about to give up and go to the pub (or home) when we spotted a car arrive in the churchwardens drive. Success!! We then had a key πŸ™‚

With not enough to ring all eight bells we elected to ring the front six (not quite in key, but didn’t sound too bad). We rang plain courses of Grandsire Doubles, some plain hunt on five, a touch of Plain Bob Doubles, and finished with a short touch of Grandsire Doubles with Sally “observation” – didn’t quite get to the end, but it wasn’t Sally’s fault.

A good evening, but a few more ringers would have made it better. Well done all those who came out (especially Willy who wasn’t really fit to ring – we all really hope Willy will be back fighting fit very soon).

Next practice is the special practice at Bicester on 18th Feb – Plain Bob Major and Stedman Doubles, shortly followed by our Branch AGM on Saturday 23rd Feb.

Slow start for 2013

The branch practice at Bicester on Mon 7th Jan was a slow start to the year – we had 6 ringers from 2 towers; a ringer new to Bicester tower who has been ringing at the neighbouring tower of Marsh Gibbon joined us and given our small number our efforts focussed on helping him. After “up” we rang first call changes and then had a number of goes of Plain Bob Doubles with Arthur ringing tenor behind (not something he had done before) and he improved as the evening went on – well done Arthur πŸ™‚

Next practice is next week at Islip – St Nicholas Doubles and Plain Bob Minor. Hopefully see more of you there πŸ™‚

Anthony Cole

Warm reception on freezing Otmoor

On Wednesday 5th Dec 9 branch ringers (3 from Charlton, 2 Islip, 2 Launton, 1 Stratton, 1 Bicester) banded together on a freezing night for a Branch Practice on the lovely bells (and warm tower) of Charlton On Otmoor.

We started with some plain hunt following Anne’s recent attendance at the Steeple Aston course, and it was clear she was learning fast. We rang some plain courses of Grandsire Doubles with Anne watching the 2 and then Anne had a go at that – and was solid as a rock (unlike the ringers around her who made mistakes!) Great work Anne πŸ™‚

Sally was persuaded to try the observation bell for a touch of Grandsire Doubles and by the end of the evening had managed that twice (with a little help from her friends).

Jean seemed uncertain with the treble to Grandsire, but proved more than able to ring it which was encouraging.

Mary had a go at plain courses of Grandsire Doubles and managed well too.

We had a go at a plain course of Plain Bob Minor which we eventually got through – not one of the things they are able to ring regularly so it was pleasing to get through it.

Our last ring was some plain hunting on 6 with a few ringers attempting it for the first time (Anne & Jean) – success once again!

Ringing down was not brilliant, but it was a practice night and Anne wasn’t confident. However, she was able to follow the treble down fairly well, getting back into place a couple of times which is a useful skill to perfect.

So, a thoroughly useful and enjoyable practice – my thanks to those who helped out too πŸ™‚ The pub was equally warm and inviting afterwards before the trek back over the frozen moor.

Last practice of the year is at Bicester on Monday 17th December … with mince pies and sausage rolls if I can find some time to cook/shop. Looking forward to it πŸ™‚

BP @ Bletchingdon

On November 7th

12 ringers (from 6Β towers) enjoyed another lively practice with progress made on Plain Hunt and Grandsire Doubles. Although we missed one of our Joint Ringing Masters (we sent sympathy since he was on a course with exams – at his age too! (Editor: Thanks Kathryn!!!)), Jeremy ensured that we all maintained the friendly, encouraging approach which is the hallmark of our Branch Practices.

The next practice for the branch is the special practice in Islip on 20th November – Grandsire Triples and Winchendon Place Doubles (if you can ring St Simon’s Doubles, you can ring Winchendon – seeΒΒ for the line – or look in your copy of “Diagrams”).

Double Birthday Branch Practice

On Monday 1st Oct 9 ringers from 4 branch towers came to Bicester for the Branch Practice, and to celebrate Kathryn’s recent and Anthony’s pending birthdays.

We started in style on the front 6 with a touch of Plain Bob Minor then moved on to Grandsire Doubles (plain courses) before the Charlton duo arrived to bolster our number. We then rang up the back bells and rang Plain Hunt on 7 (well done Ali). We then pushed ourselves with some Kent TB Minor – 3rd time in the branch in as many weeks, and just as successful – Great stuff πŸ™‚

With Steve off to work we then rang more Grandsire Doubles and Plain Hunt on 7 before finishing. Given the two birthdays a trip to the pub was definitely in order :9

Next practice is in two weeks (again in Bicester) – Cambridge Surprise Minor and Plain Bob Minor… we may need a little help with Cambridge so get those learning caps on πŸ™‚


Launton Branch Practice 3rd September 2012

As the holiday season comes to a close more ringers are around and so it proved at Launton on 3rd Sept when 14 ringers met to ring the lovely light six.

4 Launton ringers were helped by 2 from Bicester, 2 from Ludgershall, 2 from Islip, 3 from Charlton and one from Stratton to ring call changes, Grandsire Doubles plain courses (well done Elaine for ringing treble for first time in many years), a touch of Grandsire, and a rather shaky touch of Plain Bob Doubles. Ringing down was applauded by those stood outside so it must not have been too bad (or maybe they were glad we had finished). A lovely sunny evening of ringing at the smallest tower in the branch.

Next is the branch social in Islip on the 15th – tickets still available – contact Kathryn, Teresa or Anthony.

Anthony Cole

Branch practice at Kirtlington 6 August 2012

We had 8 ringers from 6 towers at the monthly Branch Practice at Kirtlington on 3 August.

It was great to see real progress made on the 2nd for Grandsire Doubles and on Plain Hunt for two of our newer recruits – and to be able to leave the bells up for a wedding the following day!Β  I’d forgotten to bring along posters for the Branch BBQ on Saturday 15 September but have now produced tickets for everyone who wants to come!

Kathryn Grant, Branch Sec

Stratton success

Following last years failed attempt to hold a branch practice (only 3 ringers turned up) we were apprehensive about the turnout for this years attempt.

I started off playing the organ and Jeremy went outside to mow the churchyard grass, but no sooner than he had gone out 2 more ringers arrived. Having seen me on the organ they came to show me how to do it properly (!). One more ringer arrived then so we had to stop playing the organ and ring.

After an eventful ‘up’ we had several goes at Plain Hunt, making sure everyone moved to a different bell for each attempt – always a good idea so you don’t get used to just one bell. We then rang some call changes and more plain hunt before calling it a night. Stratton Audley only has 3 resident ringers so I wonder how many in the pub next door noticed two extra bells were ringing? The bells are not the easiest – you do have to pull them as they are on plain bearings (except the 4th), but you need some towers with more interesting handling to perfect your ringing technique. Anyway, nice to hear them all going.

Next practice is a Grandsire Doubles practice for Bletchingdon on 18th. Looks like I have to work, but will see if I can make it there before the end.

Middleton practice

On Wed 6th June 12 ringers from 6 towers met for the Branch practice at Middleton Stoney.
We started with call changes where I confused the locals by calling up instead of calling down…a discussion of the relative merits of both ways followed πŸ™‚
We then rang plain courses of Grandsire which the local band are working on. The tower captain then encouraged us to try something more advanced so she rang the treble to a touch of Plain bob minor – something she hadn’t rung for many years.
More call changes and some plain hunt on 5 – Ann obviously isn’t challenged enough by call changes any more and managed ok .. well done πŸ™‚
We then had more plain courses of Grandsire with Jen ‘inside’.
At this point my mobile found a signal and went mad delivering 30+ text messages about a power cut at work – I left Jeremy to organise ringing ‘something’ and down whilst I hunted for a strong enough signal to make some calls.
As most of the branch officers were present we held a short business meeting at the end to discuss proposals for the rehanging of Oddington which have been unringable for many years – we decided to support the proposal by offering to cover 10% of the costs from branch funds.
Next practice is at Islip in 2 weeks so hope to see lots of ringers there.