ODG Bicester Branch

Anyone for snap?

On Sunday 25th January a rare event occurred – we had 9 ringers on a Sunday morning – but rarer still, the rope on the 4th bell snapped whilst our youngest trainee was ringing it to call changes on 8. Samuel ducked out of the way, but it didn’t scare him. This is just one of those things – ropes break eventually – wear and tear. However, to make the event a little rarer the bell stood itself. So.. how do you ring down a bell (to make it safe) if there isn’t a rope attached? Well, luckily for us the 4th bell is very accessible as it is by a walkway around the bells so one sure-footed ringer (yours truly) grabbed the wheel with one hand (keeping myself well out of the path of the bell) and pushed, rocking the bell on the stay before pushing it off and moving well away. Newton did the rest (well Gravity that he discovered); 3 minutes later the bell had rung itself down and we carried on ringing minus the 4th.

24 hours later and a spare rope has been attached to the bell and the broken one has a new long splice and is ready to go back next time I feel like wandering up to the bells. Usually a rope will break where it goes through the garter hole (hole in the bell wheel), but in this instance it snapped where it goes through the pulley block and (coincidentally perhaps) a nail came down with the rope into the ringing room. The nail, remains of recent work to increase the area opened by our sound control we think, must have been left on the floor when we tidied up. Whoops!

World Tour #1

The Bicester branch are going large and touring the world.. well.. one of our members is anyway, and ringing where there are bells.

Ian’s most recent trip has led him to Calgary, Canada from where he writes:

I went ringing Xmas eve after work and again yesterday, Christmas morning. The Calgary ringers are really friendly and I was made to feel very welcome. They had had a busy day Christmas eve, with 3 services to ring for but I was only able to make it for the last one at 9.45 pm. There were 7 of us in the end and we rang some touches of plain bob minor and doubles and a touch of grandsire doubles too. I was able to ring inside for plain bobs and rang the tenor behind for grandsire. Call changes are called the other way round here and I managed to get completely lost!
Christmas morning saw us ring all 8 of the Calgary bells, with some very nicely struck rounds and call changes – I managed to grab the tenor so as not to mess things up! We also had a couple of good attempts at touches of plain bob doubles and successfully rang plain course of plain bob minor.
Hoping to ring again on Sunday weather permitting, ringing only gets cancelled when it drops below -20!

Christ Church in Calgary has a ring of 8 bells (8-2-0 in Bb).

Keep an eye open for the next instalment of Ian’s World Tour..

Ian and the Calgary Ringers

Islip QP

On Sunday 2nd November a quarter peal was rung in Islip to mark a number of occasions. The full details of the quarter peal are below:
Oxford Diocesan Guild
St Nicholas, Islip, Oxon
Sunday 2 November 2014
1260 Grandsire Doubles in 43 mins
1   Sally A Wale
2   Kathryn Grant
3   Ron P Burgess
4   Keith Thomas
5   Anthony Cole (C)
6   Teresa Carter
Rung to commemorate the 100th anniversaries of Mrs Anna Awdry (mother of Sally), Arthur Grant (father of Kathryn) and 80th anniversary of Dennis Mitchell (father of Teresa).
Also in memory of Madeline Gibson 89yrs & Marjorie Adams 88 yrs (both passed away this week)
A video of the band ringing part of the quarter peal can be found on YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eV7GoQCyNXA)
And here is a post-quarter peal photo of the band:

Team Rector Quarter Peal

On Thursday 25th September 2014 Rev Verena Breed was installed as the new Team Rector for Bicester. This was a good excuse for a quarter peal to celebrate.

Details thus:

Oxford Diocesan Guild
Bicester, Oxon
St Edburg
Thursday 25 September 2014 in 46 mins (15-0-7)
1260 Plain Bob Doubles (on front 6)

1   Helen Parkinson
2   Ian Smart (1st inside)
3   Steve Walker
4   Jeremy Adams
5   Anthony Cole (c)
6   Janet Smith

Rung to mark the installation of Rev Verena Breed as the new Team Rector for Bicester.

Well done to all, and especially Ian for his first quarter peal on an “inside” bell 🙂

Ringing Up & Down course report

On Saturday 26th July, Jean, Ann and I attended a course led by Anthony Cole (ably assisted by Jeremy from Stratton Audley and Mike from Launton tower). We were given four hours of 1-1 constructive feedback, many helpful tips and much practice at both Bicester and Caversfield towers and enjoyed a good lunch at the Bure. We are all much wiser and know what we should be doing- however, practice makes perfect. We would like to thank all three, especially Anthony for his careful preparation and attention on the day.

Hilary Walbank

Ringing Roadshow

Details of the programme of events (lots of handbell concerts and seminars about ringing) at the Ringing Roadshow are now online. Well worth a visit on Sat 6th Sept if you are anywhere near Newbury.

Happy Birthday Terry

Quarter peals can be rung to mark all sorts of occasions (weddings, national events, memorials etc). If you go to www.campanophile.co.uk or www.bb.ringingworld.co.uk you will find details of many peals and quarter peals rung around the country and the world.

On Wednesday 30th April the tower captain of Witney, Terry Hester (known to some of the Bicester branch folk) celebrated his 75th birthday and to mark it a quarter peal was rung and of which I was privileged to be a part of:

Witney, Oxon
Wed 30th April 2014
1250 Yorkshire Surprise Major in 48 mins
1. Michael Probert
2. Richard White
3. Roger Barnes
4. David Floyd
5. Alison Merryweather-Clarke
6. Lorna Curtis (c)
7. Brian Curtis
8. Anthony Cole

Rung to celebrate the 75th Birthday of Terry Hester.
6: first major as conductor


On Friday 21st March the University of Buckingham had the annual graduation ceremonies for those successfully completing their degrees. The ceremony is at SS Peter and Paul’s church in Buckingham and after each ceremony the bells are rung.

As I work for the University I am able to help out with graduation and this year was able to hep form the band that rang for the multiple ceremonies. The bells at Buckingham are a little on the heavy side so a strong band is required to make a good sound, and this year we had a better band than for last year. At the morning ceremony we rang a touch of Grandsire Triples and a touch of Plain Bob Triples, and the afternoon ceremony we just rang a touch of Grandsire Triples. The striking for both ceremonies was rather good and I felt pleased that I had been able to ring touches of both methods as I get little practice at this level of ringing these days..though the Bicester branch capabilities are improving so long may that trend continue.

Branch Secretary’s Report for AGM

Here is Kathryn’s report which was lost at the AGM:

Bicester Branch

Bicester Branch’s AGM was held on 23 February at Ludgershall – held with some speed due to the cold and lack of change of Branch officers or business.

The happy event of the year was the augmentation to six at St Mary the Virgin, Weston-on-the-Green and the return of all the bells to a ringable state by the end of the year.  The re-dedication of the bells was held on 5 May and congratulations are due to Tower Captain, Bob Hessian, who managed the project, and to Taylors who completed the work.

Our outing on 23 March had to be cancelled due to snow but was rearranged for the autumn when we went to the Newbury area – ringing by only a handful of members at Brightwalton, Chieveley, Speen and Thatcham – but enjoyed very much by those who came.

Sadly, in June, our former President, Cliff East, died after a long and happy life – he held most positions in the Branch over the years: as secretary, branch representative, ringing master, Vice President and President, as well as Tower Captain in Ludgershall.  He will be missed by all who knew, and rang, with him.

In September we held our Branch striking competition and barbecue with three teams competing for the Cliff East shield – won narrowly by the home team, Islip – a veil is best drawn over the Branch’s subsequent appearance at the Guild striking competition.

Two noteworthy quarters have been recorded this year – the first to celebrate the 30th anniversary of ringing on 16 April of our joint ringing master and webmaster, Anthony Cole, and the second on 13 December to celebrate the centenary of the founding of the Bicester Branch (both at St Edburg’s, Bicester).  Elsewhere ringing throughout the Branch during the year has been steady – for weddings with further quarters and peals for wedding anniversaries notably at Brill, service ringing and the encouraging news of some Branch ringers (Anne Martin, Ali McConnell and Hilary Wallbank) taking part as students at the Steeple Aston course.

Kathryn Grant