On Monday 17th Nov 7 ringers from 3 branch towers banded together for the special practice at Bicester.
We started with plain hunt on 6 for Samuel and then rang plain courses of All Saints Place Doubles, one of the set methods for the evening.
Next we rang a plain course of Plain Bob Doubles with Samuel on the treble. Then we decided that as we weren’t going to have enough to ring Plain Bob Triples (the other set method) we would ring a longish (240) touch of Plain Bob Minor.
With time running out for a couple of the ringers before they needed to leave we rang a touch of St Simon’s Bob Doubles before ringing down.
Whilst the turnout was disappointing the ringing turned out to be anything but.
Bletchingdon BP
On Wed 5th November whilst some were out listening to loud bangs from fireworks 16 ringers (from 4 branch towers and two towers outside the branch) were making a different (and much more musical) sound in Bletchingdon which was playing host to the November branch practice.
We rang a small number of things over the evening – Call Changes, Grandsire Doubles plain courses and Grandsire Doubles touches, but with lots of helpers it made for a good teaching practice as those learning generally had someone behind them to whisper useful tips.
The evening finished with a pretty good ring down in peal which received applause from those not ringing so a good end to a good evening.
Islip QP
2 Kathryn Grant
3 Ron P Burgess
4 Keith Thomas
5 Anthony Cole (C)
6 Teresa Carter
Also in memory of Madeline Gibson 89yrs & Marjorie Adams 88 yrs (both passed away this week)

Major at Bicester
On Monday 6th October Bicester hosted the October branch practice. 11 ringers came along from as far afield as Buckingham boosting what we would be able to ring.
We started by ringing up the front 6 and then Samuel rang the treble to plain hunt on 5. We then rang up the back 4 and rang plain hunt on 7 and then 8.
Next we rang a plain course of Grandsire Triples before moving up to ringing call changes on 10.
Next we rang one of the methods Ian wanted to try – a plain course of Plain Bob Major.. no problems so perhaps a quarter peal is his next target?
We rang a touch of Plain Bob Doubles for Steve and then attempted a touch of Grandsire Triples.. miscalled by me.. whoops.. in my defence I rarely get to ring even plain courses so not entirely surprised! We tried again and got it the second time.
We rang some more plain hunt on 8 before attempting Kent Treble Bob Minor.. Ian’s first attempt.. we got just over half way so a good start.
After dropping the treble and two we rang 8 down in peal which was pretty well struck.
A visit to the pub followed for some but sadly I had to get Samuel home to bed… school night!
Bbq at Islip September 2014
The annual branch striking competition and bbq was held in Islip on Fri 26th Sept.
Being a Friday evening it was always going to be a slow start, but the striking competition got underway about 6.30pm.
We only had two teams but it was still worth having the competition and giving everyone a go and encouraging the new recruits who took part.
Caversfield took to the tower first and rang call changes as the band was not ready for method ringing (two of the band have been ringing less than 9 months and are only 10 and 13 years old respectively). It was a very good effort with some good ringing and was awarded 28 faults by our judges.
Islip rang second and choose plain courses of Grandsire Doubles which went well and earned only 17 faults making Islip the winning team 2 years running.. I think Caversfield will be looking to take the shield next year though! Thanks to James Champion and his wife for judging for us.
We then retired to Kathryn’s for the bbq with Richard as head bbq chef. As usual Lucy and Fred were looking for dropped food (the bbq was not dog-nose height this year), but I don’t think they got too much despite sitting patiently at the feet of anyone who was eating!
Thanks to Kathryn for opening her home once again and thanks to the team who catered for us and for the 24+ people who came along to enjoy a good evening together.
The next branch event is the branch practice at Bicester on Monday 6th October – I hope to see lots of you there.
Anthony Cole
Team Rector Quarter Peal
On Thursday 25th September 2014 Rev Verena Breed was installed as the new Team Rector for Bicester. This was a good excuse for a quarter peal to celebrate.
Details thus:
1 Helen Parkinson
2 Ian Smart (1st inside)
3 Steve Walker
4 Jeremy Adams
5 Anthony Cole (c)
6 Janet Smith
Rung to mark the installation of Rev Verena Breed as the new Team Rector for Bicester.
Well done to all, and especially Ian for his first quarter peal on an “inside” bell 🙂
Grandsire practice Bletchingdon Sept 2014
On Wednesday 17th Sept Bletchingdon hosted a special Grandsire Doubles practice. 9 ringers came along to supplement the 4 regulars.
We started off with plain courses of Grandsire Doubles and some call changes for those not able to ring methods yet. We then progressed to bob only touches with Sue observation.
A few more plain courses followed and more call changes before putting Tim and Anne through the observation bell touch and Jean and Ernie through more plain courses. The ringing down could have been better but everyone seemed to have found it a useful practice and a good number were able to try something a little harder than usual which is the best way of learning and just what these practices are for.
The next branch event is the striking competition and bbq at Islip on Friday 26th Sept. Do please come along for a fun social event with a ringing competition shoehorned on. Do let Kathryn know if you are coming so appropriate amounts of food can be prepared.
Anthony Cole
2014 Branch Striking Comp & BBQ
The branch striking competition and BBQ will be on Friday 26th September. Please support this event and enjoy socialising with folk from around the branch (and having a little ringing competition too).
Please print out the BBQ2014 poster for your tower.
Back to school Launton 2nd September 2014
As schools go back so it was Launton’s turn to host a branch practice. Tuesday 2nd September 10 ringers from 5 branch towers banded together (only one school aged!).
After ringing up we rang call changes, and a number of plain courses of Grandsire Doubles. To ensure everyone got a ring the tower captain was called up to the ringing room where we rang a touch of 120 Grandsire Doubles (sbspx3 to make it harder!). After some more call changes we then pushed a little and Anne managed a touch of Grandsire Doubles as the observation bell.. slowly getting there 🙂
More plain courses of Grandsire were followed by some more call changes. The evening was ended with a 120 of Plain Bob Minor (successful after a restart), and then (if I’m honest a poor) ringing down in peal (at least we finished in rounds).
The next branch event is the special practice (Grandsire Doubles) at Bletchingdon on Wed 17th Sept shortly followed by the Branch BBQ and Striking Competition on Friday 26th Sept (Islip) – book your tickets with Kathryn, Teresa or Anthony
Anthony Cole
Ringing Up & Down course report
On Saturday 26th July, Jean, Ann and I attended a course led by Anthony Cole (ably assisted by Jeremy from Stratton Audley and Mike from Launton tower). We were given four hours of 1-1 constructive feedback, many helpful tips and much practice at both Bicester and Caversfield towers and enjoyed a good lunch at the Bure. We are all much wiser and know what we should be doing- however, practice makes perfect. We would like to thank all three, especially Anthony for his careful preparation and attention on the day.
Hilary Walbank