AGM 2012 at Bicester

On Saturday 25th Feb Bicester hosted the branch AGM. This was sadly only attended by 13 members – not sure if this is a record low or not! This either means everyone is happy how the branch is being run, or everyone is too busy to attend.

Reports were received and Branch officers remain as for last year. Full minutes of the meeting will appear shortly.

Branch Outing 2012

A car outing to the Towcester area has been arranged for Saturday 31st March. Details of the towers can be found on the Outing 2012 Poster.

If you plan to attend please let Anthony know he has so a rough idea of expected numbers. As with previous outings, non-ringing family members and pets (I’m thinking dogs rather than hamsters!) are more than welcome to come along and join us at the towers and for the pub lunch etc.

Pancake day practice at Islip

The special practice at Islip on Shrove Tuesday and the usual Islip pancake party didn’t have the expected draw of ringers, but I guess we didn’t advertise it particularly as a pancake practice! We did have 8 ringers, but the proposed methods (Stedman Doubles and Plain Bob Major) were a little beyond us. We did manage plain courses of Stedman Doubles, but things fell apart when “Singles” were introduced. Plain courses of Grandsire Doubles sounded great and the Plain Hunt on 8 settled and was also successful. We didn’t hold up much hope for a plain course of Bob Major, but tried it nevertheless – after a few goes we managed nearly two leads… maybe a little more work is needed on that one!

Following the practice we duly decamped to Kathryn’s for pancakes and drinks – sadly there weren’t enough of us to get through all the pancakes 🙁

The branch AGM is this Saturday so hoping to see lots of branch members there.

Chilly Practice at Ambrosden

On Friday 3rd Feb, 8 intrepid ringers (from 4 towers) braved temperatures of -2C (-5C when we went home) to ring the heaviest bells in the branch at Ambrosden. We decided to stick to the back 6 (which would keep us warm!) and rang touches of Plain Bob Doubles, plain courses of Grandsire, a touch of Plain Bob Minor and a touch of Rev. Canterbury Doubles. Due to the temperatures the ropes were very slippery (or maybe our hands were too shiny/dry), and blood was shed on the tenor rope (that’s the second time that has happened on there to my knowledge.. at least it wasn’t me this time!), but it was a useful practice and Ali is making good progress with Grandsire.

The vicar was looking forward to hearing the bells again (as Ambrosden only have one practising ringer now – sadly unable to be with us), but the sound of the bells did tempt a former ringer to pop in to say hello, but we couldn’t tempt Martin to ring – maybe next time!

Of course, any visit to Ambrosden is not complete without a trip to the Turners Arms which had a lovely fire to warm us up.

The next practice is a special practice at Islip on Tues 21st, just before the branch AGM – hopefully see some of you at one or both of those events soon.

Special practice at Bicester

On Monday 16th Jan 9 ringers (8 from Bicester) practiced St Simon’s Doubles and Plain Bob Minor. The methods were new to some, but good progress and experience was had by all, and (albeit with a crack band, plus a few watching carefully to see how it worked) we did manage a 120 of St Simon’s. Well done everyone 🙂

Caversfield appears in print

The “Four Shires” magazine, January edition includes an article on bellringing. The article features Caversfield church and it’s old bell.

Note: Permission for reproduction of these scans has been granted by Four Shires and the author.

First practice of 2012

Happy New Year!

The first Branch Practice of 2012 was at Islip on Tues 3rd Jan – the first day back to work for many.

10 ringers (3 Islip, 2 Bicester, 2 Church Hanborough, 1 Woodeaton, 2 Charlton) banded together to ring Plain Hunt on 7, Grandsire Doubles (plain courses and a touch), Grandsire Triples (plain courses)… twice in less than a month!!!, Plain Bob Doubles (a touch), and we even managed a (rather shaky) Kent TB Minor!

Of course, no Islip practice would be right without a trip to the pub afterwards :9

During the evening there was a question about the Branch Outing date.. whilst I haven’t got a date yet, any preference for where to go anyone? (Ideas on an email to the if you have a preference.. I do have some ideas but happy to cater for special requests).

We perhaps need to start thinking of what celebrations we will (as a branch) do for the Queen’s Jubilee too… quarters at some towers perhaps? Thoughts on a postcard…. 🙂

Hopefully see many of you at the Special Practice @ Bicester on the 16th..Plain Bob Minor & St Simon’s Doubles.

Special last practice for 2011

The last branch event of the year was the Special Practice at Islip on Tues 20th Dec. The special methods were St Nicholas Doubles (appropriate for Christmas!) and Grandsire Triples. We were not sure we would get enough, but in the end we had 10 ringers (5 Islip, 3 Bicester, 1 Woodeaton and 1 from Long Hanborough) and managed plain courses of St Nicholas Doubles and plain courses of Grandsire Triples. We also rang plain hunt on 7 for Anthony B.

The methods were special, but so was the after practice event – Mince Pies, Sausage rolls and drinks at Kathryn’s house. Sally had made some lovely sausage rolls which were very popular and went very quickly – I think Lucy wanted some too!!

A lovely evening to finish of 2011 🙂 I wish you all a fabulous Christmas and look forward to ringing with you in the New Year.

Reverse Canterbury success

On Monday 21st Nov 9 ringers (2 from Fringford, 1 from Stratton Audley and 6 from Bicester) banded together for the Plain Bob and Reverse Canterbury Doubles practice at Bicester.

Following a well struck “up”, we managed plain courses of Reverse Canterbury Doubles, touches of Plain Bob Doubles, touches of Reverse Canterbury Doubles (well done Sarah, Jeremy & Steve and a special congrats to Fay who had spent the afternoon learning the bobs and rang them without any problems:) ) and even managed a plain course of Reverse Canterbury Minor! Haven’t rung that for years, but there were no mistakes and it was well struck too 🙂 “Down” was as well struck as “up” so a great practice all round. For those who couldn’t make it.. you missed a belter!

Next practice, Charlton on Otmoor on Wed 7th Dec (note 7:45pm start time!!)