Ambrosden heavyweights April 2015

On Friday 10th April 11 ringers from 5  branch towers came together to ring the heaviest set of bells in the branch. Ambrosden only has one resident ringer so it was nice to hear them rung.
After a shaky ring up we started with rounds to help the lesser experienced used to the bells – there is a long draught to get used to as well as the weight of the bells.
Next we rang plain courses of Grandsire Doubles on the back 6 before more Grandsire on the front bells.
We moved on to a touch of Plain bob Doubles and then call changes.
Next we had a couple of courses of Plain Bob Minor on the back bells – have to admit the ringing master enjoyed turning in the tenor!
We rang some more Grandsire on the front 6 with bobs this time before the last set of call changes.

Thanks to a number of experienced ringers standing behind learners it was a good teaching practice and great experience for all ringing heavier bells.
The next branch event is the branch outing on Saturday 18th April – details on the website.

Anthony Cole

Wow at Bletchingdon March 2015

“Wow” is the first word that comes to mind to describe the special practice at Bletchingdon on Wednesday 25th March. Ringers usually arrive at our practices in a slow trickle, but at exactly 1930 we already had 8 ringers in the tower and within minutes 22 ringers had arrived representing 6 branch towers and (such is the draw of the Grandsire and Plain Bob Doubles practice, or maybe the Bletchingdon bells – I am not sure which) representatives from 2 Witney & Woodstock branch towers and an Oxford City tower too! It was also lovely to see a ringer who has just moved to the Bicester branch area – great to see you Demelza 🙂

After a (poor sadly) ring up we started with Plain Bob Doubles followed by Grandsire Doubles (plain courses of both). We then gave the newer recruits some call changes practice. We concentrated on plain courses of Grandsire Doubles for a while before more call changes, and Plain Bob Doubles. As the evening moved on we moved to trying touches for a couple of the progressing ringers with mixed success.

Before the evening finished the newly elected member of the guild, Samuel was presented with his membership certificate by the branch president to a round of applause. I look forward to presenting the other newly elected members their certificates later today at our weekly practice – to slightly less an audience I suspect!

Having so many ringers at a practice is a challenge for the ringing master to ensure everyone gets a fair amount of ringing, but is also a great benefit to those there to learn thanks to the willing helpers who can give tips and guidance to those who are learning; helpers do not need to be experienced peal ringers (though we did have a few of those present) – ringers capable of ringing a touch of Plain Bob Doubles are able guides for those learning to ring plain courses so nearly everyone can help. We had a good mix of capabilities on Wednesday and a good number of ringers stood behind those learning – ringing is a team effort after all so my thanks to all who helped and encouraged.

Next week is Holy Week, and therefore a week off for ringers countrywide. However, as April approaches we have a busy month’s ringing ahead with the Branch Practice at Ambrosden on Fri 10th April, the Branch Outing on Sat 18th April and (for Caversfield ringers and those who would like to join us) a trip to Mark Walker’s mini ring on Fri 24th April. Looking forward to it!

Anthony Cole

New York, New York! (2015)

Trinity Church New York
Trinity Church New York

In the second of our Bicester branch World Tour (or at least one of our members!) I have received the following report from Ian about his experiences in the Big Apple!!

I contacted the Trinity ringers via email, to ask if I could come along and ring with them whilst I’m working in New York at JFK. I had a lovely reply welcoming me to NY and to come along to ring. Trinity church, from the outside, looks like a quaint little church, but once inside you realise that it’s only it’s setting amongst all the skyscrapers in the financial district of Manhatton that give it the appearance of being small. There are 12 bells and the ringing chamber is bigger than Bicester! The bells were all hung in 2006 and go really well. I rang the 24cwt tenor and it goes so much better than the (slightly) lighter tenor in Buckingham and no box to stand on! Practice is on a Wednesday night from 6.30 to 9 pm, ringers travel from all round NY and this gives them time to travel in to the city.
We started off ringing Grandsire and Plain Bob doubles then a touch of PB minor, before hunting on 9 and even rounds and calls on 12 – a first for me! I was then treated to some excellent ringing, including Superlative major and spliced Yorkshire, Lincolnshire and Superlative. I went back to ring on Sunday before the service, to find there was a quarter attempt, they attempt quarters every Sunday prior to ringing before the service – something we could try in Bicester branch?? Going back tomorrow, Wednesday evening practice and I’ve been given homework to learn the bobs to grandsire, which I haven’t done yet!! Hannah is due to visit next week and I’ll take her along so she can ring on 12 too. Will let you know how we get on!!

If I’m honest, a Quarter Peal every Sunday isn’t likely, but we do need to perhaps try a few more each year 😀

Slow start for 2013

The branch practice at Bicester on Mon 7th Jan was a slow start to the year – we had 6 ringers from 2 towers; a ringer new to Bicester tower who has been ringing at the neighbouring tower of Marsh Gibbon joined us and given our small number our efforts focussed on helping him. After “up” we rang first call changes and then had a number of goes of Plain Bob Doubles with Arthur ringing tenor behind (not something he had done before) and he improved as the evening went on – well done Arthur 🙂

Next practice is next week at Islip – St Nicholas Doubles and Plain Bob Minor. Hopefully see more of you there 🙂

Anthony Cole

December on Otmoor (2011)

On Wednesday 7th December 7 locals from Charlton on Otmoor were joined by 4 others from around the branch for the December branch practice. We rang plain courses of Grandsire Doubles, Plain Hunt on 6, a touch of Plain Bob Doubles, and finished with a touch of Plain Bob Minor. With some help a couple of the locals tried a few things they weren’t used to, and seemed pleased with making some progress.

For those not at the practice, there was bellringing on BBC4 to watch – Come Bell Ringing with Charles Hazelwood can be viewed on BBC iPlayer until 17th Dec – a great explanation of the art of change ringing, bell casting and tuning, handbell ringing, carillons and an experiment in a new piece of music to play on church bells – well worth watching if you have an hour.

The last practice of 2011 will be on Tues 20th Dec at Islip – St Nicholas Doubles and Grandsire Triples… and maybe some Mince Pies & Sausage Rolls.

Interesting handling?

It has been announced today that a floating belfry will accompany the flotilla along the Thames next summer to mark the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee. No doubt a fabulous advert for bellringing, but not without some strange handling I suspect! The full article appear on the BBC website.