Fourteen ringers came to today’s Plain Hunt practice at Bletchingdon, where we were very grateful to have Hugh, Jane, Ruth, Christine, Judith and Barbara as helpers (but also to get a bit of a challenge themselves), and Liping, Michael, Sally, Vikki and Charlie to practice their Plain Hunt and trebling.
After raising the bells we had a bit of a theory session where we walked through plain hunt on two out to six, noting the patterns and similarities between even bell and odd bell hunting, also discussing course bells and after bells.
Michael and Liping rang treble to Churchyard Bob as well as to Plain Hunt Doubles and were getting the rhythm nicely at the end.
We warmed up with some regular plain hunt for Sally on the four, then mixed 2, 3, 4 and 5 up, also with Christine and Barbara inside.
Charlie and Vikki rang treble to short touches of Grandsire Doubles, which also gave Ruth some practice at ringing the three half-hunt.
All our regular ringers got practice at Plain Hunt medley, hunting from two to five, then we pulled off in Queens and went Plain Hunt medley again, giving our helpers a bit of a challenge as well!
To finish Judith and Ruth rang inside to a plain course of Plain Bob Minor and Liping and Michael did one final set of courses of Plain Hunt on the three, before a very reasonable lower on six, with Liping and Vikki inside. We took the obligatory photo of the team.
Another really successful practice, many thanks to all our helpers.