Twelve ringers came to tonight’s Branch Practice at Weston, which had a strong turnout of six from the local band. Anne, Michael, Michael, Kathryn, Judith and myself from other towers.
We rang a number of rounds and call changes, kaleidoscope long places and Switcheroo for Michael, Tracy, Pam and Gilly. We also rang a number of courses of plain hunt with Tracy on five and Michael on three, as well as Plain Hunt on six, Grandsire Doubles (plain courses and a touch), Plain Bob Doubles for our more experienced ringers.
Good trebling by Mandy to Plain Bob Doubles and Andy stepped in to ring three to Grandsire Doubles.
Finally, a lower of six led down by Gerald, finishing in rounds.
We took the obligatory photo at the end, but unfortunately failed to take it before Anne and Michael M had made their escape!
Next Branch Practice is at Piddington in two weeks time.
Steve Vickars