Seventeen ringers came to tonight’s Branch Practice at Kirtlington, led by Richard, Branch Ringing Master with Teresa in attendance.
We raised the front six and then the back two, followed by a set of rounds and call changes on eight.
Lots of our ringers tonight wanted to practice Plain Bob Doubles so we obliged with a starting touch, with Judith, Celia, Jan and Ruth inside and Sally on treble, Dan covering.
Next we rang a number of plain courses of bob doubles, giving Sue C, Sue M, Dan and Christine turns inside.
After more rounds and call changes for Michael, we rang a touch of Plain Bob Minor, followed by plain courses of Grandsire Doubles for Sue, Barbara and Sally. Julie and Mandy took turns to ring covering tenor.
We also rang Plain Hunt on six with two bands, giving Sally, Judith, Ruth, Dan, Sue and Sue turns inside, followed by Plain Hunt on seven, with Christine covering on tenor. We finished with a reasonable lower on eight and the obligatory team photo.
Another full practice, thank you everyone!