Sixteen ringers came to this morning’s Doubles Daytime practice at Bletchingdon, where an abundance of helpers enabled us to provide strong support both within the ringing team and also through extra standers to help our improvers.
It was also great to welcome Faye, who used to attend the monthly daytime Bletchingdon practices in the past and who helped by trebling for several touches.
Our band of ringers was therefore able to practice inside to plain courses of Bob Doubles (Sue, Julie and Dan), plain courses of Grandsire Doubles (Sue and Mandy), touches of Plain Bob Doubles (Judith and Ala), much of which were very nicely struck, as well as brushing up on their tenoring (Julie, Dan, Mandy, Sue and Sue) and trebling.
A big thank you to our helpers: Clare, Alison, Hugh, Judy, Teresa, Faye, Michael P and Michael H who made it all possible. Hopefully the offer of tea, coffee, cake and biscuits helped redress the balance!
After a plain course of Cambridge Surprise Minor for our helpers, we got a full band of students to ring a plain course of Bob Doubles before we finished with the obligatory photo-shoot and lower on six.
A very full and productive practice and I hope we see similar numbers at next month’s event (probably 2nd or 3rd week of March).