On Saturday 23rd April (St George’s day) 12 ringers (plus 4 non-ringers) from across the Bicester branch met at 8am in the new Bicester Park & Ride, boarded a minibus and headed for Herefordshire and our annual branch outing.
As we headed up the M40 a noise started somewhere under the minibus… by the M5 it was louder.. and by Tarrington (our first tower) the noise was disturbing, and the subject of lots of discussion about the cause (most suggestions decidedly not mechanically sound, much like the minibus!)

We disembarked and headed up the path to the first tower – 6 bells with some slightly springy ropes. Also waiting for us was tea/coffee/biscuits and Sarah, Ian Smart’s sister, who had booked the towers for us as she was local to the area. The branch’s Deputy Ringing Master also arrived at this point, having snubbed the minibus in favour of his own car (some excuse about needing to get back early). We started with plain courses of Grandsire Doubles and Plain Bob Doubles along with the refreshments.

After checking everyone had their “seat buddy” we headed onwards (minibus still making noises) to Stoke Edith and another 6 bell tower with a truncated spire (the top having come off in a storm many years ago). An interesting staircase (looked more like shelves) led to the ringing room. The Treble and Tenor were on plain bearings which made them a little harder to ring up, but the bells went well once up. We rang Grandsire Doubles and even a touch of Plain Bob Minor here.

Lunch was at the Crown and Anchor in Lugwardine, a short walk from the first tower of the afternoon. Having phoned our food order ahead the food arrived within minutes of our arrival and was lovely. A few even indulged in puddings!

Whilst most of us walked along the road to the 8 bells of Lugwardine Ian had arranged for his brother-in-law to meet us with some gearbox oil, having diagnosed the “diff” as lacking oil. Ian duly re-oiled the gearbox and diff which he hoped would fix the problem. Up the tower we rang plain hunt on 7 and just about managed a plain course of Grandsire Triples.

As we left Lugwardine the minibus sounded better and we headed down the narrow lanes to Weston Beggard. The noise sadly returned so Ian volunteered to have another go at the “diff” whilst we rang the 5 bells next to the farm. Here we rang Grandsire Doubles and Plain Bob Doubles.

Our final tower for the day was Yarkhill – a short (rattly) drive away. Yarkhill is the birthplace of Fabian Stedman, one time president (I think) of the Ancient Society of College Youths, and creator of the “Stedman” principle which is rung to this day. The 8 bells proved rather light but fun and we rang plain hunt on 7 (see video) and another attempt of Grandsire Triples and finished with a course of Stedman Doubles (had to be done really!).

After a quick stop back in Tarrington to use the conveniences we headed home .. via “Greedy’s” Fish and Chip shop in Stow on the Wold.

The minibus sounded slightly better on the way back, and we did get all the way back without further incident, arriving in Bicester at 7:30pm.
My thanks to Sarah Connor for organising the towers, staff at the Crown and Anchor for the superb lunch and all those that came along.

Anthony Cole