
“I’m in Dubai”

“Wimbledon calling”

Excuses abound for the lack of turnout for the branch Practice at Stratton Audley on a warm and sunny Thurs 4th July.

Despite these excuses we did get 5 ringers (3 Stratton ringers, one from Launton and me) and we rang call changes, and plain hunt on five.

There was a chat about a locally haunted house and then how many ringers they would have for the following Sunday service which triggered comments of Jeremy needing to ring two bells and him saying how easy it was! When called to demonstrate he declined, but egged on I duly did ring the treble and two to show that it was possible (years of fooling around teaches many things about what is possible with a bell rope). Intrigued Debs then rang the treble one handed to see how easy it actually was though she didn’t venture as far as ringing two. Jeremy then felt he had to show willing and rang one handed on treble and then the two, but didn’t ring two bells together.

After this “showing off” session we rang some plain courses of Grandsire Doubles which Debs hadn’t tried before and with a little help talking her through it she managed the two ok and seemed pleased she had tried something new. Very well done also goes to Ann who managed the treble without any guidance.

Our next event is the special practice at Islip on 16th July – Stedman Doubles and Plain Bob Major if we get enough. Hopefully I will see many of you there.