Thirteen ringers came to tonight’s practice at Kirtlington, where Judith led the majority of sessions as part of her ART Foundation assessment, with Susan and Mark assessing the practice.
I am really pleased to announce that Judith passed the assessment and will shortly be receiving her certificate of accreditation in teaching Module 2F, congratulations!
We had a good number of ringers at Learning the ropes Level 2, including Debbie and Rachel from Witney, Nick and Pinda.
After raising the front six in two threes, Judith called a number of quick-fire call changes, then a practice involving one of six ringers making a deliberate mistake and three non-ringers facing outwards.
Next a theory session on call changes for Liping, with six holding numbers and moving place when their bell was affected in a called change. This was then put into practice with the same six ringing their bells called to Queens and back to rounds.
Next was a session of Mexican Wave involving Short Places starting with each pair announced, then repeated with no prompts. Good to note that Julie rang the five for the first time changing places.
While Judith went off to hear feedback from Susan and Mark, the rest of the band practiced Kaleidoscope short places starting at backstroke and full pull and stand, after a number of even blows determined by each team member in turn.
Finally, we rang up the tenors and practiced ringing rounds and a few call changes on all eight, followed by call changes to Queens and back on the front six, before Susan led us down lowering all eight.
Finally we took the obligatory team photo.
A really good practice. See several of you at Witney tomorrow and Middleton Stoney for branch practice on Wednesday.