Grand turn out

On Wednesday 18th Sept it was the turn of Bletchingdon to host another Grandsire Doubles practice. Previously these practices have been very well attended and Wednesday’s practice was just as well attended with 16 ringers from 3 branches attending – the reputation of these practices must be spreading!

We started with several goes at plain courses of Grandsire. Next we had some call changes for some new ringers. We then stretched the brain cells a little with a 120 with Sue ringing observation – well done Sue.

We then had some more plain courses with Ann having her first attempt at ringing an inside bell..a little guidance was required to get the dodges right but a very good start to ringing methods inside – well done Ann.

More plain courses and then Tim rang the observation bell for another 120.

We then had some more call changes before it was time to ring down.

All in all another great Grandsire practice and it felt as though some progress was being made. A very many thanks to all the helpers who came along to stand behind and provide a little more solid ringing for the learners to work around. Great to see enthusiasm to push forward too – next time we’ll have to get a few more looking at observation and those who can manage observation perhaps need to start learning the other parts to the bobs and singles (so there’s a challenge for you).

Next practice is the branch practice at Bicester on Monday 7th October – do please support that if you can. Also please put the branch outing in your diary – full details on the branch outing page.

Branch Outing 2013

The re-scheduled Branch Outing will take place on Saturday 19th October, around the Newbury area. Most of the towers have been booked – when all tower details are confirmed I will put the details on the website. For now, please put Sat 19th October in your diary.


2013 BBQ and Striking Competition

On Saturday 7th September approximately 33 ringers and their families descended on Islip for the annual branch BBQ and Striking competition.

The evening started at 5:30pm with a bout of rain, but thankfully we were able to take shelter in Kathryn’s house, and in Islip tower as we started the striking competition.

First up we’re Bicester tower who were keen to repeat their success following the win last year, followed by Islip and Charlton. The competition consisted of 2 minutes practice followed by ringing the treble to signal to the judges, and then the competition piece – 1 minute of rounds followed by the bands chosen method (all bands chose Grandsire Doubles as it happens, Bicester ringing a 120 and the other teams ringing 4 plain courses). The competition was judged by friends from the Witney & Woodstock branch (Alison Merryweather-Clarke, Louise Brown and Liz Lawrence).

Once the competition pieces were over the Guild Secretary, his wife and Alison Merryweather-Clarke came up for a course of Grandsire Triples before ringing down and retiring to Kathryn’s where we enjoyed the feast prepared for us by Kathryn, Teresa and Sally.

At about 9pm following lots of jokes about who was best, the judges gave us their comments on the ringing and the results, which were:

3rd place – team 3 (Charlton) with 94%
2nd place – team 1 (Bicester) with 95%
1st place – team 2 (Islip) with 96%

The winning Team
The winning Team


The Islip band was presented with the trophy and champagne. Congratulations to Islip!

The puddings were then brought out and the champagne drunk by the winning team.

Despite the rain at the start of the evening, it was a great event and lots of fun was had by all.

(Bicester may not have won, but we will gladly back Islip going forward to the Guild competition in October).

Launton practice 3rd September 2013

On Tuesday 3rd Sept 14 ringers from 7 branch towers met at Launton for the September Branch Practice. As in previous years it was a lovely summers evening which is good given the cosy nature of Launton tower!

We started with a request – ringing up in peal practice for Jean – we made sure we had enough so I could stand behind and whisper advice, but it still wasn’t the best “up” – not all Jean’s fault though!

We moved on to plain courses of Grandsire Doubles which several bands tried.

About half way through the evening we rang down, and back up again to give more practice at “up” and “down” – the tenor proved a little tricky on the “up” and least said about that the better. However, it highlights that a ringing up and down course is needed – something to add to next years diary!

More Grandsire Doubles and Plain Bob Doubles followed with Elaine being persuaded to have a go on the treble to Grandsire. As darkness fell so our time was nearly up, but we managed to have a quick (eventful) touch of Plain Bob Minor before ringing down. A good evening get together with some ringing interspersed, and also a chance to plug the Branch BBQ and Striking Competition on Saturday (5:30pm, Islip) – hoping to see lots of branch members and their families for that – and here’s hoping I get to sample the winning champagne again (it is the taking part that matters though!)

Anthony Cole

Fun for all the family 2nd August 2013

On Friday 2nd August Ludgershall hosted a branch practice.  There hadn’t been a Ludgershall practice for 6 months so it was a treat for 5 locals to be joined by 7 others (including my two little darlings aged 9 and 6 who don’t ring properly yet).

We started with plain courses of Grandsire which was abruptly halted when the treble rope slipped wheel and the treble set itself. Val went upstairs and resolved that with the careful application of a broom.

We then rang call changes follwed by a touch of Grandsire.  Next we tried some plain hunt on 5 before moving on to a touch of plain bob doubles. After more call changes Peter suggested Stedman Doubles which we managed a touch of (with the single being whispered between 4 and 5). The observer watching the treble had spotted the numbers for the second course were different so we explained what had happened.. well spotted!

More plain hunt was followed by more call changes before a fairly well struck down ending in Weasels (14235) followed by applause!

Samuel quickly demonstrated how to chime and tie up a bell rope without help – well done Sam. Then it was home & bedtime for all.

Next practice is the special practice at Caversfield on Monday 19th August – please do support that if you can.

Advanced notice – the branch striking competition and BBQ will be on Saturday 7th Sept and once again will be hosted by Islip so please put that in your diary.

Stedman and Plain Bob Major?

On Tues 16th July 7 ringers (2 Bicester, 4 Islip regulars and 1 visitor) banded together for the Special Practice at Islip. On the schedule for this very warm evening was Stedman Doubles and Plain Bob Major. Sadly neither of those methods was on the cards! Some other day perhaps. We did benefit from being in the tower though as it was lovely and cool (2 foot thick walls should be a must in these temperatures).

Anyway, we started with some plain hunt on 5 and plain courses of Grandsire Doubles with the visitor (Alex) taking the treble. Whilst she has only been ringing for 18 months she showed she was quite capable of this (despite her apprehension). AnthonyB arrived and we did the same again with Alex on the two which was slightly less successful.

Next we tried Alex on the tenor and the rest ringing plain courses of Grandsire which worked with a little help and then we tried a touch for Sally to try the observation bell.

We rounded the evening off with a touch of Reverse Canterbury Doubles which was going really well until… someone forgot to make 2nds and everything fell apart 🙁 Better luck (and quicker spotting from the conductor hopefully) next time.

With such a lovely evening there was only one place to go next .. the pub garden for some liquid refreshment.

The next branch event is the Branch Practice at Ludgershall on Fri 2nd August – hope to see lots of you there (and hopefully the weather too, though perhaps just a shade cooler please?)

Clifford East In Memoriam

The Bicester Branch are sad to announce the death of one of its long-standing and much loved members, Cliff East, whose funeral was held on Wednesday 3 July.  At his funeral Jill Bailey read a poem written by John Harris, also a long-standing Branch member and Vice President, during the late 80s and we reproduce it here (with kind permission from his family):


Old Clifford and his merry band
are the best of ringers in the land
they ring with pride, they ring with care,
sometimes they ring beyond compare!

On Friday nights they do their best
while poor old Clifford takes his rest
the calls are made, the bells do sound
though sometimes they will not come round.

Let’s “go again” the captain shouts
but try and leave those clashes out
bob and single he cries in heed
two bells to go, now treble lead!

Come on you kids, it’s your turn now
you have a go, I’ll wipe my brow
please put that chewing gum away
‘cos mucky gum won’t mend that stay!

There’s time left now for one more touch
but what we ring won’t matter much
let’s ring some Stedman captain please
shouts Les who’s nearly on his knees.

The Stedman finds its way back round
with one or two familiar sounds
now gently down the treble calls
and perfectly, in rounds, they fall

It’s 90 minutes of real good fun
before old Clifford’s work is done
to ringers dwelling in this land
I recommend old Clifford’s band.

Composed by John Harris in the late 1980s