Crash course at Charlton December 2014

On Wednesday 3rd December Charlton on Otmoor hosted the last branch practice of 2014. The local band had recently been on an intensive course of Grandsire Doubles so the 10 branch members (2 from Bicester, 3 from Launton, and 5 from Chalrton) worked on that all evening with the inclusion of some plain courses of Plain Bob Doubles. We mostly rang plain courses of Grandsire Doubles, but Ann, Ali and Ian had goes at the bobs in Grandsire succeeding thanks to encouraging words from Willy and other ringers who stood behind. The evening was both encouraging in terms of progress and satisfying for the locals who felt that this really helped consolidate the efforts at the recent course.

We went to the pub afterwards to sample some new (very good) beers and a good chat.

The last branch event of the year is at Bicester on Mon 15th December – the special practice with a Christmas social – it will have to start a few minutes late (there is a carol service in the church finishing at 7:30pm-ish!). Look forward to seeing lots of you there (for the mince pies/sausage rolls as well as the ringing!)